

The decrease in the light of the bronchi takes place in different clinical situations, of which one of the most common is asthma. In asthmatics was ranked the mechanism of contraction of smooth muscle that covers the bronchial wall, which makes it possible to speak of spasm or bronchospasm.

Bronchial noises audible at a distance, can be wet or dry. The first was heard as a "gurgling" that often changed with the cough. They represent a hydro-air conflict between the inspired air and secretions or phlegm. Are perceived more for inspiration.

In contrast, dry, such as bronchospasm, are seen more often during exhalation become more protracted than normal (2 to 1 on the time inspiratory), due to the difficulty in the air outlet.

The dry rattle does not necessarily include liquid secretions in the bronchial light, but these can be added.

The asthmatic, suffers from an initially more difficult to expel air from the lungs to breathe. Then if the situation worsens, and further extends the disorder, may also include an inspiration. This is especially true with the first signs of fatigue or muscle fatigue, when the respiratory muscles begin to falter after an intense and prolonged effort.

Bronchial occlusion, a further cause difficulty of entering air, which expires by a negative intrathoracic pressure much higher. This is seen most often, a sinking as the skin between the ribs and the sternum.

When disappears, it can be improved by either a worsening, and that is not generated the difference in pressure causes the air inlet.

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