
The care of the mouth in pregnancy

The hormonal changes of pregnancy also affect the teeth and gums. Said that "each child is a tooth," which all women have ever heard, it reflects very well what it can be this critical period for oral health.

Problems in the gums.
Pregnancy gingivitis is one of the disorders suffered by almost all pregnant women. It manifests itself with redness and bleeding of the gums, fatness and separation of them, discomfort (including pain) and halitosis. As for the cause, it appears that increased levels of progesterone influences the microvascularización of the gums, and as a result, they become more susceptible to inflammation and the action of bacteria.

Although the problem disappears after the birth, it is necessary strives care: there are many women who are predisposed to periodontal disease (pyorrhea) and, if left untreated during pregnancy, the process will worsen.

Development of caries
Pregnancy does not cause tooth decay but favors the evolution of existing ones, due to the changes experienced by the oral microflora.

Before conception
The best thing is that women go to the dentist as soon planned to get pregnant. In this way, you can check cavities, remove tartar and combat inflammation of the gums in advance.

If you come to suffer from these disorders when it is waiting for the baby, you can pass it wrong. So too will avoid taking drugs for oral problems and undergo X-rays in this period.

• Visiting a dentist to control at the time that pregnancy is planned, during its course and then in the postpartum period.

• Make a clean mouth at the beginning of gestation.

• Brush your teeth thoroughly three times a day, although the gums bleed.

• Use toothpaste for sensitive gums. The brush must be soft.

• Follow a balanced diet and avoid over-sugary foods.

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