
Damn streaks - What bothered!

Their presence is extremely annoying for any woman, especially when putting on the swimsuit. Striations do not respect age and cause more of an annoyance. What is the origin of these unsightly lesions? Can prevented? Is there any treatment to combat them?

The streaks are in the form of injuries that are arranged concentrically zone around the navel, in the gluteal area, in the lumbosacral region, in the roots of members and in the breast, where rays are directed towards the nipple. At puberty, are more common in women (25 percent) than men (10 percent). Start at about the age of 10 and are located on the thighs and buttocks and lumbar areas.

Among the factors that determine his appearance may mention the genetic and endocrine (steroid hormones), hence his appearance after the third trimester of pregnancy, puberty, and in cases of obesity in which there are signs of increased activity of the adrenal cortex.

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