
What is seen in an ultrasound?

Throughout the pregnancy ultrasound becomes the most useful instrument for the development of the fetus.

First quarter
Ultrasound confirmed pregnancy. Already knowing if there is a single embryo or whether it is a multiple pregnancy. It is also possible to determine the probable date of birth and discard some anomalies. It is time to perform other tests under control by ultrasound, if they are deemed necessary, such as biopsy corial (at 10 weeks gestation) or amniocentesis (from week 14).

Second quarter
Can be ruled out most of the fetal anomalies through the anatomical observation of the future baby. It is possible to do an ultrasound study of chromosomal markers (BMI). If it detects any sign of alteration, can perform any diagnostic test (placental biopsy, amniocentesis, funiculocentesis), depending on the gestational age.

Third quarter
Now is controlled fetal growth. We still can be detected any anomaly. We need to confirm normal placental and, most importantly, see what the fetal presentation at birth. Through the system doppler, ultrasound can also know if the fetus receives the volume of blood needed.

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