
When traveling by car

Most of the children may travel by car without any problems. Moreover, the noise of the engine will produce a soothing effect, like a murmur, and especially babies, do not take time to stay asleep. If there is propensity to motion sickness, we have to have everything planned: give them a dose (by weight) of a antimareo before the trip and avoid taking food indigestible.

It should keep the windows open and try to always look ahead, look to the sides predisposes to dizziness; plastic bag ready and make frequent stops.

Safety is key in the car. Each child must be in your chair or cushion appropriate to their age, with the seat belt post. Never have to travel standing in the middle of the front seats. On long trips (more than five hours) is better to devote two days to travel, especially when there are babies.

In the event of an accident, it is essential to act quickly without losing nerves. If the child is aware, we have to keep lying down and motionless. If you have nausea, we have to put your head sideways. When this pale, it is necessary to lean your head back. To the congestion we can put a lien as a pillow.

If small is unconscious, we tuck with clothing and wait for help while monitoring their breathing. Sometimes there is difficulty in breathing for some strange object, we must ensure that nothing obstructs the airways and, if necessary, give artificial respiration mouth to mouth, nose or mouth.

The detention of the injured is critical if we suspect any major injury.

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