
Abdominal pain in children

The pain in the belly of children disappear almost always spontaneously with the help of a massage or any other home remedy. It is produced by small cramps aerophagia, meteorism, indigestion, acetone, gastroenteritis ...

But there are times when that may reflect a more serious problem (appendicitis, strangulated hernia ...), and require urgent action. These pains are persistent and intense, and often accompanied by other symptoms very obvious, that parents should discard:

• acute pain, which has suddenly begun.
• Worsening of the general state of the child.
• Symptoms of shock, ie, cold, sweating, paleness, dizziness.
• Nausea or vomiting quite intense.
• Strong pain is palpable when the belly.
• bellied in table (hard).
• Presence of blood in the rectum.

In all these cases is contraindicated:
• Administer drugs or painkillers that can mitigate the pain of the child, because you lose a key source of information for diagnosis.
• Apply a laxative or enema.
• Put hot or cold: it could worsen the condition of the child.
• Give food, since it is possible that after it is anesthetized.
• Wait before you go to the doctor.

In the schoolchildren are very frequent recurrent abdominal pain. They are caused by spasms of the colon, and small have no symptoms when they are exploring. Yield easily and almost always without treatment. Usually of nervous origin, and the only thing to do is reassure them when they appear.

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