
Curiosities of our world

Where will my car?
After the car, the 4-wheeled vehicle used in the world is the grocery cart.

Heavy torture
The deposed Panamanian dictator Manuel Noñega, accused of drug trafficking, was tortured by the U.S. military with the song Highway to hell, AC / CD.

Divers with wings
The mafioso, a polar sea birds, can submerge 100 meters deep enough and stay until 3 minutes without breathing looking for prey.

On Sunday, no
The people admitted to hospital over the weekend Venen greater risk of dying prematurely in the first 48-hour-entering the working day, according to a Spanish study published in the journal Clinical Medicine.

Caca de luxe
In 1961, the Italian artist Piero Manzoni sold 90 cans filled with 30 g of their own excrement. Each can cost 32 U.S. dollars, the equivalent of its price in gold.

Fewer wolves, HIV!
A recent study shows that the AIDS virus, HIV-has lost virulence, because it is adapting to humans. If true, it could become deadly within a period of 20 to 2,000 years.

The embryos preserved in a fossil dinosaur eggs found in South Africa show that babies ios bipedal dinosaur walking for a while to 4 feet, as human babies.

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