
Gas, in how to prevent kids

To prevent gases should feed the baby by putting semierguido, and ensuring that your nose is free so you can breathe well. Where once it was over, he puts on his shoulder and given a few pats on the back, without problems may expel the air that has swallowed.

There are babies during the first three months of almost non-stop crying, especially at night. In most cases, is not an explanation for this malaise, and it is said that the child has colic.
It is more common in babies who drink bottle that breastfed infants.

These children are flatus and eliminate many gases. Sometimes, if you change the lactose-free milk on the other, better. But it also may be submitted by cramping another series of causes, such as starvation, overwork or food insecurity. If parents are tense and anxious, the child will show more restless and more vulnerable to these uncontrollable crying.

Therefore, we must listen and reassure parents to take away his anxiety, explaining that they have their babies is normal, frequent and that will gradually disappearing without leaving sequels.

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