
Hips, to prevent the dislocation

Some babies are born with a congenital hip dysplasia, a disorder that, if not treated in time, can lead to dislocation. In these children, the cavity that contains the head of the femur (cotilo) is not properly developed to hold it, and the femur is predisposed to get away with ease away from the joint.

Usually the disorder is detected when the neonatologist conducted the first review or through an X-ray or ultrasound of the hips that he practiced all newborns, and the correction may start long before the child begins to walk.

The treatment should be done by a brace. It is quite usual to recommend to parents the placement of two diapers to correct the defect, but this can be dangerous.

Only serves in some cases, in others can lead to a definitive hip dysplasia or even a dislocation. It is sometimes necessary to use diapers orthopedic.

Diapers kept the baby with her legs open (in frog posture), to compress the femur cotilo and it can acquire a normal configuration. When you walk, ending the problem corrected.

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