While at the pharmacy are several brands of pregnancy tests, all operating with the same system: measuring the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. During the first trimester of pregnancy, this hormone is secreted by the placenta in large quantities. Later, the substance decreases significantly.
A few years ago had to wait several days that passed after the first offense, to be able to diagnose pregnancy. At present, the process has been shortened considerably: some tests can even dispel the doubt on the first day of delay.
And is that as time passes are achieved pregnancy tests with more sensitivity. That is, with greater ability to detect small amounts of HCG in the urine. While the oldest measured only 800 m. U.I. / ml.
How to collect urine. All brands are equally reliable if the test is done well. This means doing so with the first morning urine, collected in a sterile bottle (very important: when the test is not going to perform immediately, it is necessary to keep it in the refrigerator at 4 degrees). In addition, further to the letter the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
All women know how to proceed when they find out they're pregnant: begin to take care and call for a shift to the gynecologist. But how to act when the test has proved negative and the period still does not come? In this case, it is advisable to conduct a second test. If the result would again be negative to consult with the gynecologist.
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