When our children reach the world, parents, we strive to find similar ... but sometimes there are surprises: these are the traits of a family that lejanísimo, mysteries of heredity, have come to light.
But not everything is hereditary; also has the prenatal environment, family environment, learning through imitation. What is innate, what is gained? Science tries to decode all these unknowns.
The innermost secrets of the resemblance
When fertilization occurs, the more clever spermatozoon and get better equipped to penetrate the egg, and the two cells fuse, forming a new one: the zygote. It is the beginning of a new life, a chance encounter, but encrypted.
The nuclei of these cells contain chromatin, a substance that takes a position in the form of bundles of fiber, these beams of the chromosomes are Fiber and own property involved in the mechanisms of hereditary transmission. They are made of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which is shaped like a thread of two complementary strands or rope, coiled in a spiral on the other. Each segment of DNA called gene, and the units responsible for the basic mechanisms of heredity and the development of the individual.
The genes are grouped according to the characteristics that transfer, for example, genes from the egg which transmit the color of the eyes are placed paired with those from the sperm that have the same function. When the quality that conveys a particular gene prevails, it is a dominant gene. It will be recessive if your property is hidden, not manifest itself.
There are also cases where the orders received for the same feature are equally strong or weak, and then you can produce all sorts of surprising results. For example, if the father has his nose cut and straight, and mother, long and respingada, it is possible that the child comes out with a short appendix nasal and respingado. If both characters are recessive, it might show another trait of the family genealogy, perhaps the wide and flat nose of some faraway grandmother.
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