It is also the most popular among couples married for thirty years in the United States, with nearly seventeen million American men and women who have chosen sterilization and many millions more in other countries. However, the men in our culture are ready to accept more readily the sterilization of women who own.
Vasectomy means cutting deferens ducts of the two men (those with sperm from their place of production in each testicle to the penis). These channels are accessed easily through a small opening made in the scrotum. The result is that no sperm can reach the area inside the body in which it is stored sperm to ejaculate.
Who has practiced a vasectomy and wish to reverse it must undergo expensive and complicated operations, which in no case guarantee that it can be recovered fertility. Perhaps this is the reason for the low acceptance in our environment. In Brazil, United States, Australia and many European countries with different family models (only one or two children per couple), these methods are widely accepted.
Vasectomy is a simple practice that every urologist, adequately trained, should be able to perform on an outpatient basis or in the office. This is a small incision that produces virtually no pain and allows the patient to resume their normal activities quickly.
After done, the sperm does not accumulate in the body disintegrate and are absorbed quickly. The amount absorbed is very small and this is a common process in the human body. Millions of red blood cells, for example, die, are absorbed and are replaced in the circulatory system every day.
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