
Mongolian Spot

Despite what may be disturbing to hear that a newborn has a Mongolian spot, it is not serious at all. His presence has nothing to do with Down syndrome, as its name suggests, but that does not refer to the eastern region where it is most common.

The macula, which is poorly defined edges and color slates, it is more common in the eastern races, but also occurs in 30 percent of children Westerners. In general, spreads around the sacrum and on the buttocks. It is more common in the small area of the Mediterranean, where they have more skin and dark Gypsies.

Some parents think that this stain is a hematoma, but we have to reassure them because it is not. In general, in the first year of life is often clarified so that is hardly noticeable.

According to some specialists, its origin lies in the intrauterine life of the unborn at the time that the cells responsible for skin pigment moving from the neural crest at your destination. Some of these cells are left half way, forming a macula.

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