
What to do when your nose bleeds a child

Put a cap on cotton in the nostril is not a good choice, because there is a danger that, when removed, bleeding resumes. Faced with a epistaxis, the child must sit with his head tilted forward and make it ring until it stops bleeding, and within minutes if blood has not stopped going out, it should gently press between five and ten minutes, against the nasal septum, the wing of the nose that bleeds.

This will form a clot that in most cases, stop the bleeding. In the meantime we must ask the small to breathe through your mouth and avoid coughing. As normal as nosebleeds is that kids are getting some object in the nose. In this case we must remove it, but without the help of tongs or forks.

The only home remedy is to plug the unaffected side of the nose and make the child was sounding as strong as I can. SI does not succeed, we must go to the doctor.

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