
The first menstruation

After nearly two years of changes initiated pubertal (telarca), appear the first menstruation or menarche. The hormones stimulate the growth of the uterus to increase the size of its inner layer, called "endometrium", which is removed during the menstrual bleeding.

It is very important that the mother speaks of the subject with her daughter not to take the unprepared. And avoid passing an unpleasant moment. The young lady must be prepared for that, in case of travel or just when you're in school, have the elements necessary to deal with the situation assumed as something absolutely normal.

There will surely be scared, doubt, worry, joy, a multitude of feelings, many of them ambivalent and contradictory-that will enable him to reassert on the way to adulthood.

For any doubt, should consult with the doctor of adolescents: if necessary, he will lead the young to a gynecologist. During the first two years after the onset of menarche, there may be irregularities or even absence of menstruation for several months. This is normal and should not be cause for concern.

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