It should be considered abnormal pregnancy the one that ends up in premature childbirth; that is to say, before the final dela gestation and with a viable fetus. They can be classified of immature the fetuses that weigh between 600 grams and 1250; and those that weigh from 1250 up to 2500 grams, of premature. The lawsuits are usually the same ones that drive to the abort, alterations of the egg in the moment of their formation; big fissures of the neck of the matrix; you position bad of the uterus; inflammations or infections of the same one; you cause general, as acute infections with fever (it seizes, diphtheria, fever of Malt, typhoid, etc.); nutritious and endocrine bugs; and finally, have an accident or violent traumatisms. the difference with the abort, is that in the abnormal pregnancies, the lawsuits usually show up in a later time. In these cases, it is necessary the pediatrician's collaboration with the obstetrician, being very useful the oxygen management to the mother in delivery, because it favors the respiration and the boy's ventilation. In the opposed end you must consider the prolonged pregnancy. The pregnancy usually lasts about 273 days; but, in 2% of women, the 300 days they are surpassed. In the clinic many women are observed that they come closer to the 10 ullages, but the reality is that many of them mistook their accounts or they were embarrassed in the ovulation that preceded to a retarded menstruation. the difficult thing is to predict with surety when a gestation is truly prolonged and if the fetus will damage, because, against that that habitually is believed, this is not the communio thing. With prolonged pregnancies we can find: fetuses of features and normal weight; of excessive and generally healthy (25%) weight; and of normal or inferior weight, but with hipermaduros features that offer a dehydrated aspect, skin fat wrinkled, scarce tissue, face of old and features of debility, being these the fetuses that you/they generally die. One of the prolonged pregnancy lawsuits is, in fact, the diabetes: of there the necessity is to insister about the importance of the control of the pregnancy.
Another class of this nature is the ectopic pregnancy, where the implantation of the egg outside of the uterus, being able to him to make and the trumpets, in the ovary and even inside the abdomen. For each 350 normal pregnancies one can exist ectopic. An or two ullages exist, with pregnancy symptoms that begin any day to enter vaginal petty haemorrhages and pain in a side of the first floor stomach. The symptoms resemble those of the abort; but any pregnant woman that enters blood losses, be these petty or big, you/he/she should, in an unwarranted way, to go to the expert that is the only one enabled to establish a correct treatment.
Finally the placenta praevia, is the vicious implantation of the placenta inside the uterus, so that it plugs the hole of the uterine neck and it impedes the exit of the fetus in the moment of the childbirth. The current obstetrics can solve this case favorably, most of the times by means of a caesarian operation.
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