The syntony with the other signs is developing in the quotidian relationships. Discover, with the maximum acuity, the features that bind you or they take you away from the other signs of the zodiac. he/she Discovers with the one who to make even!
Scan the possibility of union between the character of your sign and that of who you have in your heart!
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
They think totally different and they satisfy them different things. Aquarius, as element of air, improvises the whole time. It is impredecible and novel, besides speaking a lot. SCORPION is quiet, reserved and scheduler. Not it will tolerate the madness.
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
Not they are complementary. Virgo, as earth element, it can seem very rigid and inflexible windy AQUARIUS for their madness of last hour. In the intimacy neither are able to understand.
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
Not they will be similar in the mundane lands. In the intimacy they will be attracted, but soon changing AQUARIUS will get bored of the commands of the earthly Capricorn and it will escape flying.
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
This will be an union very difficult of on taking. For Taurus enigmatic AQUARIUS can be challenge. Aquarius won't allow to intersect its wings neither for the most intense in the loves, he will need of its independence and freedom, which Taurus won't give him/her.
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
From the first look they will realize the differences that have. To AQUARIUS it doesn't interest them to form a homestead and to have a numerous family. If they get it it is with the years. They will never be allowed to catch for the claws of the crab.
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
It is one of the happiest and durable couples. They are supplemented in everything, intimacy, adventures, homestead, amusements and they will always be attracting new things to their lives.
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
This will be a harmonic relationship where there will be passion and fantasies to live. They will enjoy understanding without limitations. They will be able to form a homestead with a climate full with positive tests.
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
February 21 at March 20. Govern:
In this relationship he/she can book credit since certain chemical one it is a relationship karmática. With the time, if they don't overcome the contradictions and the differences, they will go away forever.
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
Although the signs belonging to the same element can be understood, in the case of AQUARIUS they will be been very difficult to agree. If they are respected their space and they are given freedom they will be been able to take well.
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
These natives can begin a relationship like friends, without claims. Suddenly they will see each other thinking the same thing, wanting the same thing and feeling the same thing. They are supplemented and they are coupled in the intimacy.
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
A very complementary couple that if they unite they will form a very solid alliance. LION will fasten the fire from the passion to AQUARIUS, which will fall in his hypnotized arms. They will enjoy the social life and of the homestead.
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
They will understand each other very well, they will speak the same language being able to hours, days and months to pass without getting bored the one of the other one. In this combination what it will lack is carnal bigger interest, but they are coupled well.
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
The analytic ideas of Virgo can be too dilatory for Aries since is very spontaneous and open. Not it is a durable relationship, unless material very high interests exist.
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
This will be a harmonic relationship where there will be passion and fantasies to live. They will enjoy understanding without limitations. They will be able to form a homestead with a climate full with positive tests.
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
Not they will merge for a durable relationship, the enabled temperament of Aries fades with the slowness of Taurus. Only in the intimacy they will be been able to take very since at both it will move them the same passion. The ariano will be the one that will take the initiative.
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
This union is not peaceful. There will be a lot of activity and debates but also understanding and mutual attraction. Both possess many hormones for what you/they will understand with a lot of passion. They will like same things and they will work for pulses, being able to idealize each other.
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
This can be a happy union, achieving communities of interest in many areas. They will feel romanticism and desires of conquering to the world. The rhythm of this union will be accelerated and full with unexpected adventures.
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
This relationship is not very advisable since the water of Cancer extinguishes the fire of Aries and they end in the distance. In this union there won't be a lot of collaboration but yes they will have personal shocks.
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
February 21 at March 20. Govern:
This relationship will be expired by the boredom and the understanding ullage. These two elements are not similar and although they feel for a moment some sexual attraction, there won't be solidity of any type.
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
They won't be tolerated, they will think very different and for this reason they will have conflicts from the first moment. Better they should not sample.
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
There will be a great magnetism prima facie and they will be able to arrive to the intimacy, but when they know each other deeply they won't agree on the most important points of both. Not it is advisable.
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
They belong to the same element fire, for what you/they will be attracted, but it can exist fight of power and explosions of character. They will need to be taken well if they want to pass pleasant whiles, but to form a homestead they will have to agree.
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
They will pass pleasant moments and they will understand each other, but if they are very young they won't achieve a mature relationship. They will feel many desires to speak and of communicating their intellectual restlessness. He/she can that they don't stay secrets.
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
This couple can be very lasting. Cancer will provide him/her of passion, emotions and affection. Together they will form a homestead and a family with success and prosperity. Their spaces will be respected ending up understanding each other without necessity of speaking.
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
From the first look they will realize the differences that have. To AQUARIUS it doesn't interest them to form a homestead and to have a numerous family. If they get it it is with the years. They will never be allowed to catch for the claws of the crab.
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
This couple can end up forming a very solid homestead, to have a numerous family and to live flanked of peace and love. Taurus will fasten the flame of Cancer that will be very obliging and faithful.
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
This relationship is not very advisable since the water of Cancer extinguishes the fire of Aries and they end in the distance. In this union there won't be a lot of collaboration but yes they will have personal shocks.
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
The elements water and fire are not compatible. The emotions of the susceptible cancer can be hurt many times by sincere SAGITTARIUS. Not it is easy to consolidate this relationship, although in the some moment feels comfortable in the intimacy.
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
They will form a couple very together with big feelings and emotions that you/they will enjoy in the same way. In the intimacy they will delight mutually, ending up having a great family if they want it.
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
February 21 at March 20. Govern:
They belong to the same element. They are sensitive, spiritual and they understand each other well. In the intimacy they can agree. They will overcome the tears and the manipulations.
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
To be opposed these two signs they are supplemented forming a happy couple mutually. The one one will find what he lacks in the other one. Capricorn will spread to protect the delicate emotions of Cancer and this it will please him/her in the intimacy.
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
They can be coupled the romantic librano prima facie since it will fill the emotional requirements of the cancer, but very soon both will understand that their lives make different senses.
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
In this relationship there will be many things in common: the great sensibility of both, the spirituality, the devotion and the passion. The one one will find in the other support and together they will form a good team. They will overcome the communication problems before the difficulties.
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
He/she can book credit emotional attraction and passion but with the time the problems begin. The fire of LION is very strong for the moving cancer that, no matter how much he/she wants to please its couple, this will end up aborting it.
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
Uneven relationship since the interests will be very different. The mood switches of the cancer won't be similar with the volatile gemini that quickly you will exit of the nest.
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
If, they will be supplemented, they will be very solitary and they can become colds towards other people, but among them they will be able to form a very solid couple. In the intimacy they will understand each other very well.
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
Not they will be similar in the mundane lands. In the intimacy they will be attracted, but soon changing AQUARIUS will get bored of the commands of the earthly Capricorn and it will escape flying.
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
This can be since a very strong union both they belong to the element earth for what you/they will fight and they will love the same things. In the intimacy they will understand each other very well since both they are very sexual. They will only have to learn how to be floppier the one with the other one.
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
They won't be tolerated, they will think very different and for this reason they will have conflicts from the first moment. Better they should not sample.
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
Not it is a compatible combination. Capricorn like earth sign will be very organized, analytic and he will like planned things. The sagitario won't support the military discipline of the capricorn.
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
To be opposed these two signs they are supplemented forming a happy couple mutually. The one one will find what he lacks in the other one. Capricorn will spread to protect the delicate emotions of Cancer and this it will please him/her in the intimacy.
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
February 21 at March 20. Govern:
They can form a solid and durable couple. In the intimacy they will understand each other and both will satisfy the necessities of the other one. In the daily life they will also agree.
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
They will be attracted ending up being identified a lot in the intimacy much physically. He/she will be a very kindred couple, but they will improve the inflexibility of both.
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
This won't be a solid couple, their interests are not the same ones and although in the intimacy they understand each other, in the daily life not. They will be taken the contrary one in many things.
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
In this couple we can find a solid union as a rock. Capricorn will give him/her stability, surety and mainly unconditional love. They will form a stable homestead.
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
This relationship can be obnoxious for mettlesome LIONnino that will be depressed before the analyses of the capricorn. Although both are very sexual, together they won't understand each other.
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
Not he/she is a couple easy to take since they will find many differences. Gemini will never be able to adapt to the requirements of Capricorn. In the intimacy the capricorn will be able to him/her to offer stability but that won't be enough.
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
The great sexuality of the SCORPIONn will conquer to the virgo that will make all that is requested easily. They can form a good couple where the first take charge of the family and the second it provides the money.
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
They think totally different and they satisfy them different things. Aquarius, as element of air, improvises the whole time. It is impredecible and novel, besides speaking a lot. SCORPION is quiet, reserved and scheduler. Not it will tolerate the madness.
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
This union will have magic, intense passion, spirituality and a great interest for the finances. Together they will be able to form an indestructible team, to maintain the enabled love and to create a great fortune.
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
There will be a great magnetism prima facie and they will be able to arrive to the intimacy, but when they know each other deeply they won't agree on the most important points of both. Not it is advisable.
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
It will be a difficult union. The impulsiveness and aggressiveness of SAGITTARIUS will bother the calm and moving SCORPIONn. Not they will harmonize neither in the intimacy.
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
In this relationship there will be many things in common: the great sensibility of both, the spirituality, the devotion and the passion. The one one will find in the other support and together they will form a good team. They will overcome the communication problems before the difficulties.
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
An emotional, intuitive and very spiritual couple. Not they need to speak to understand each other. They will form a very special homestead and in the intimacy they will make boil the water that represents them.
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
In this couple we can find a solid union as a rock. Capricorn will give him/her stability, surety and mainly unconditional love. They will form a stable homestead.
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
This union is not easy. The librano will like to speak, to devise, to plan and to socialize. The SCORPIONn will like to remain silent, not to idealize anybody and to be sunk inside itself. Only in the intimacy they will be able to feel well.
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
Couple that understands each other for their great sensibility and emotividad. Very protective the one of the other one, they will feel passion and fondness at the same time. They will have many children.
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
This union is not very advisable since in the intimacy they can end up having a lot of passion but with the time they will pass from the love to the hate. LION won't possess patience to improve the differences.
This union is not very advisable since in the intimacy they can end up having a lot of passion but with the time they will pass from the love to the hate. LION won't possess patience to improve the differences.
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
Not there is a lot of chemistry, they think different and the life will take them for different places. In the intimacy they will find difficult to agree.
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
Air and earth are not usually taken well, but these two natives are governed respectively by the planet Mercury, expression and analysis, for what you/they can end up understanding each other. The only problem is that the virgo has to attend the requirements of Gemini very well so that this he/she is not gone.
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
They will understand each other very well, they will speak the same language being able to hours, days and months to pass without getting bored the one of the other one. In this combination what it will lack is carnal bigger interest, but they are coupled well.
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
This mixture is not very good. The speed and eloquence of the signs of air won't support the slowness of Taurus that he/she will want to enjoy moments of solitude and passion while Gemini will want to exit to socialize. Not he/she will be a durable and solid couple.
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
They will pass pleasant moments, they will understand each other, but if they are very young they won't achieve a mature relationship. They will feel many desires to speak and of communicating their intellectual restlessness. He/she can that they don't stay secrets.
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
In this union there will be a lot of understanding. They will be able to be friends and lovers and they will understand each other in all the lands, in the intellectual and in the quotidian one. Unforgettable many adventures will live.
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
Uneven relationship since the interests will be very different. The mood switches of the cancer won't be similar with the volatile gemini that quickly you will exit of the nest.
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
February 21 at March 20. Govern:
Not he/she is a couple easy to consolidate. The interests of the gemini will be completely frustrated by the pisciano and this will make that both they get bored at the end and take different roads. In the intimacy they are liked
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
Not he/she is a couple easy to take since they will find many differences. Gemini will never be able to adapt to the requirements of Capricorn. In the intimacy the capricorn will be able to him/her to offer stability but that won't be enough.
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
In this union there will never be moments to get bored. They will feel very to taste the one with the other one. Libra will fasten the flame of the passion and the romance. In the only thing that you/they will have to make an effort it is in maintaining the trust of the one and the other one.
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
Not there is a lot of chemistry, they think different and the life will take them for different places. In the intimacy they will find difficult to agree.
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
This couple can end up being formalized. Their elements, air and fire, they are compatible. They will enjoy the pleasure of the good life and the glamour. They will have many plans together. In the love LION will dominate who will make that Gemini burns in passion with its fire.
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
This combination can be very stable, if they are coupled from the first day. Both will see toward the same side, they will understand each other in all the aspects and in the intimacy their own fantasies will live. That yes: they cannot download the watch, what means that one of both will take vacations from time to time.
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
Here they won't be taken the vagaries of LION very since they will constantly be criticized by the preservative virgoriano. In the intimacy neither will form a good mixture.
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
A very complementary couple that if they unite they will form a very solid alliance. LION will fasten the fire from the passion to AQUARIUS, which will fall in his hypnotized arms. They will enjoy the social life and of the homestead.
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
From the first moment Taurus won't support the appearance of this fire native. Their desires to stand out and to get the carefulness won't have accept with the discreet one taurine that will prefer not to enter in that land.
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
They belong to the same element fire, for what you/they will be attracted, but it can exist fight of power and explosions of character. They will need to be taken well if they want to pass pleasant whiles, but to form a homestead they will have to agree.
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
They will have a lot of understanding and the same desires of living together. They will understand each other and they will be able to distribute the tasks without they have conflicts. In the intimacy they will also agree.
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
He/she can book credit emotional attraction and passion but with the time the problems begin. The fire of LION is very strong for the moving cancer that, no matter how much he/she wants to please its couple, this will end up aborting it.
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
They will be admired mutually but they won't be understood in likes neither in interests. They can live a shortlived adventure.
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
This relationship can be obnoxious for mettlesome LIONnino that will be depressed before the analyses of the capricorn. Although both are very sexual, together they won't understand each other.
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
They can form a couple couple since LION he/she will have to take pains to reach the ethereal librano and he/she won't think so much of to shine and to get the carefulness. In the intimacy they will have a lot of chemistry.
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
This union is not very advisable since in the intimacy they can end up having a lot of passion but with the time they will pass from the love to the hate. LION won't possess patience to improve the differences.
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
This couple can be very intense and lasting if they agree in the petty differences. They will burn with the same intensity and they will form a very solid and powerful team.
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
This couple can end up being formalized. Their elements, air and fire, they are compatible. They will enjoy the pleasure of the good life and the glamour. They will have many plans together. In the love LION will dominate who will make that Gemini burns in passion with its fire.
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
The romantic air of the librano can make big efforts to conquer Virgo, but at the end it is given for past due and overworked part. Not they will arrive very far.
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
These natives can begin a relationship like friends, without claims. Suddenly they will see each other thinking the same thing, wanting the same thing and feeling the same thing. They are supplemented and they are coupled in the intimacy.
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
Here there will be a very strong attraction. They will be able to live moments pasionales and intense, but when the romantic librano opens its eyes it will be appropriated by jealous and possessive Taurus and it will exit flying. Not he/she will be a durable couple.
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
Union very it pacifies and equilibrated. To be opposed they are supplemented and what it misses one finds it in the other one. Durable marriage. Likeness in communications and amusements. They will form an indestructible team.
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
They will be able to form a happy and amusing couple. Some of both will have to mature so that they don't live up-to-date and save for the future. In the intimacy they will also have a good time. Intellectually they will understand each other very well.
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
They can be coupled the romantic librano prima facie since it will fill the emotional requirements of the cancer, but very soon both will understand that their lives make different senses.
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
They will be taken well in subjects of little importance and amusements. In the intimacy there won't be a lot of chemistry and neither they will be taken very low oneself cap.
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
This won't be a solid couple, their interests are not the same ones and although in the intimacy they understand each other, in the daily life not. They will be taken the contrary one in many things.
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
These two natives of the element air understand each other very well, they are helped and they are supplemented. They are the marriage's children, but they will overcome certain extremist attitudes.
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
This union is not easy. The librano will like to speak, to devise, to plan and to socialize. The SCORPIONn will like to remain silent, not to idealize anybody and to be sunk inside itself. Only in the intimacy they will be able to feel well.
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
They can form a couple couple since LION he/she will have to take pains to reach the ethereal librano and he/she won't think so much of to shine and to get the carefulness. In the intimacy they will have a lot of chemistry.
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
In this union there will never be moments to get bored. They will feel very to taste the one with the other one. Libra will fasten the flame of the passion and the romance. In the only thing that you/they will have to make an effort it is in maintaining the trust of the one and the other one.
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
This can be one of the happiest couples. They feel chemical the one for the other one and they are similar in many things. Each one takes an enabled paper in the relationship. They can last a lifetime.
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
In this relationship he/she can book credit since certain chemical one it is a relationship karmática. With the time, if they don't overcome the contradictions and the differences, they will go away forever.
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
Here we will see a very strong chemistry among these two natives. He bewitches of the pisciano it will conquer to the sensual one taurine until the tomb. This union will only finish if Pisces decides it.
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
This relationship will be expired by the boredom and the understanding ullage. These two elements are not similar and although they feel for a moment some sexual attraction, there won't be solidity of any type.
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
This relationship can find a lot of motivation in the intimacy, but in the quotidian life they won't agree. The pisciano will toss water to all the plans of the asset fire of SAGITTARIUS.
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
They belong to the same element. They are sensitive, spiritual and they understand each other well. In the intimacy they can agree. They will overcome the tears and the manipulations.
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
This is a very kindred couple. They will understand each other in all the lands of the life. They will have to control the desires to conquer and to flirt with other people.
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
They can form a solid and durable couple. In the intimacy they will understand each other and both will satisfy the necessities of the other one. In the daily life they will also agree.
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
They will be taken well in subjects of little importance and amusements. In the intimacy there won't be a lot of chemistry and neither they will be taken very low oneself cap.
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
An emotional, intuitive and very spiritual couple. Not they need to speak to understand each other. They will form a very special homestead and in the intimacy they will make boil the water that represents them.
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
They will be admired mutually but they won't be understood in likes neither in interests. They can live a shortlived adventure.
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
Not he/she is a couple easy to consolidate. The interests of the gemini will be completely frustrated by the pisciano and this will make that both they get bored at the end and take different roads. In the intimacy they are liked.
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
Although they make many plans when being known and believe that they will pass their life together, they won't form one of those unforgettable couples. Soon they will take opposed paths and they never see again.
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
It is one of the happiest and durable couples. They are supplemented in everything, intimacy, adventures, homestead, amusements and they will always be attracting new things to their lives.
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
No way of this relationship. They won't be supported neither one second. The vivacity, speed and share of SAGITTARIUS will take from of its exact ones to the organized one taurine.
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
This can be a happy union, achieving communities of interest in many areas. They will feel romanticism and desires of conquering to the world. The rhythm of this union will be accelerated and full with unexpected adventures.
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
They can be taken very well and in the intimacy they are supplemented passionately. So that this relationship works at long time they have to overcome the immature attitudes, the impulsiveness and the postponement. One of the two debit side to be mature and responsible to take the command.
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
The elements water and fire are not compatible. The emotions of the susceptible cancer can be hurt many times by sincere SAGITTARIUS. Not it is easy to consolidate this relationship, although in the some moment feels comfortable in the intimacy.
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
This relationship can find a lot of motivation in the intimacy, but in the quotidian life they won't agree. The pisciano will toss water to all the plans of the asset fire of SAGITTARIUS.
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
Not it is a compatible combination. Capricorn like earth sign will be very organized, analytic and he will like planned things. The sagitario won't support the military discipline of the capricorn.
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
They will be able to form a happy and amusing couple. Some of both will have to mature so that they don't live up-to-date and save for the future. In the intimacy they will also have a good time. Intellectually they will understand each other very well.
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
It will be a difficult union. The impulsiveness and aggressiveness of SAGITTARIUS will bother the calm and moving SCORPIONn. Not they will harmonize neither in the intimacy.
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
They will have a lot of understanding and the same desires of living together. They will understand each other and they will be able to distribute the tasks without they have conflicts. In the intimacy they will also agree.
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
In this union there will be a lot of understanding. They will be able to be friends and lovers and they will understand each other in all the lands, in the intellectual and in the quotidian one. Unforgettable many adventures will live.
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
This will be a very kindred couple. Taurus will be attracted by the sensibility and stability of the virgo that in turn will be pledged of the taurine pasional. They will be able to form a homestead and a durable relationship.
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
This will be an union very difficult of on taking. For Taurus enigmatic AQUARIUS can be challenge. Aquarius won't allow to intersect its wings neither for the most intense in the loves, he will need of its independence and freedom, which Taurus won't give him/her.
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
The sensuality of these natives can bind them and they will enjoy very intense moments, they will form a homestead and they will have estates. They can fall in excesses and like they are fixed none to want to waive. Both will search surety, but they will spread to collide in character.
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
Not they will merge since for a durable relationship the enabled temperament of Aries he/she fades with the slowness of Taurus. Only in the intimacy they will be been able to take very since at both it will move them the same passion. The ariano will be the one that will take the initiative.
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
No way of this relationship. They won't be supported neither one second. The vivacity, speed and share of SAGITTARIUS will take from of its exact ones to the organized one taurine.
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
This couple can end up forming a very solid homestead, to have a numerous family and to live flanked of peace and love. Taurus will fasten the flame of Cancer that will be very obliging and faithful.
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
Here we will see a very strong chemistry among these two natives. He bewitches of the pisciano it will conquer to the sensual one taurine until the tomb. This union will only finish if Pisces decides it.
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
This can be since a very strong union both they belong to the element earth for what you/they will fight and they will love the same things. In the intimacy they will understand each other very well since both they are very sexual. They will only have to learn how to be floppier the one with the other one.
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
Here there will be a very strong attraction. They will be able to live moments pasionales and intense, but when the romantic librano opens its eyes it will be appropriated by jealous and possessive Taurus and it will exit flying. Not he/she will be a durable couple.
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
This union will have magic, intense passion, spirituality and a great interest for the finances. Together they will be able to form an indestructible team, to maintain the enabled love and to create a great fortune.
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
From the first moment Taurus won't support the appearance of this fire native. Their desires to stand out and to get the carefulness won't have accept with the discreet one taurine that will prefer not to enter in that land.
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
This mixture is not very good. The speed and eloquence of the signs of air won't support the slowness of Taurus that he/she will want to enjoy moments of solitude and passion while Gemini will want to exit to socialize. Not he/she will be a durable and solid couple.
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
They are supplemented and they understand each other but they can fall in excesses that he/she makes them go away the one of the other one. The critics will overcome and to use the common sense and their great intelligence to be coupled.
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
January 21 at February 20. Govern: Uranus
Not they are complementary. Virgo, as earth element, it can seem very rigid and inflexible windy AQUARIUS for their madness of last hour. In the intimacy neither are able to understand.
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
April 20 at May 21. Govern: Venus
This will be a very kindred couple. Taurus will be attracted by the sensibility and stability of the virgo that in turn will be pledged of the taurine pasional. They will be able to form a homestead and a durable relationship.
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
March 21 at April 20. Govern: Mars
The analytic ideas of Virgo can be too dilatory for Aries since is very spontaneous and open. Not it is a durable relationship, unless material very high interests exist.
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
November 23 at December 21. Govern: Jupiter
Although they make many plans when being known and believe that they will pass their life together, they won't form one of those unforgettable couples. Soon they will take opposed paths and they never see again.
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
June 22 at the 22 of Julio. Govern: The Moon
This couple can be very lasting. Cancer will provide him/her of passion, emotions and affection. Together they will form a homestead and a family with success and prosperity. Their spaces will be respected ending up understanding each other without necessity of speaking.
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
February 21 at March 20. Govern: Neptune
This can be one of the happiest couples. They feel chemical the one for the other one and they are similar in many things. Each one takes an enabled paper in the relationship. They can last a lifetime.
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
December 22 at January 20. Govern: Saturn
If, they will be supplemented, they will be very solitary and they can become colds towards other people, but among them they will be able to form a very solid couple. In the intimacy they will understand each other very well.
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
September 24 at October 23. Govern: Venus
The romantic air of the librano can make big efforts to conquer Virgo, but at the end it is given for past due and overworked part. Not they will arrive very far.
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
October 24 at November 22. Govern: Mars
The great sexuality of the SCORPIONn will conquer to the virgo that will make all that is requested easily. They can form a good couple where the first take charge of the family and the second it provides the money.
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
23 of Julio at August 23. Govern: The Sun
Here they won't be taken the vagaries of LION very since they will constantly be criticized by the preservative virgoriano. In the intimacy neither will form a good mixture.
August 24 at September 23. Govern: Mercury
May 22 at June 21. Govern: Mercury
Air and earth are not usually taken well, but these two natives are governed respectively by the planet Mercury, expression and analysis, for what you/they can end up understanding each other. The only problem is that the virgo has to attend the requirements of Gemini very well so that this he/she is not gone.
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