Their sheets are composed; from 8 to 12 centimeters long, made up of folíolos in number from 6 to 14 pairs, in way largely elliptic, glabrous, obtuse and apiculados, measuring from 12 to 22 millimeters long; peciolulos from 1 to 1 and ½ millimeters; you stipulate caedizas.
It possesses red flowers, of about 2 centimeters long, prepared in clusters that in general are shorter than the sheets.
Its fruit, as most of the leguminous ones, is a vegetable; long from 6 to 10 centimeters, tetrágona, stocked of coriaceous and wide, relatively wide wings.
It is a plant it would originate of Uruguay, Argentina and south of Brazil. He/she lives in wet places, you border of having taken a bath, lagoons, etc.
Many times it is cultured in the gardens. Their flowers are very showy.
The infusion of the cortex and also of the root it serves as vomitive in the proportion of 10 grams in a liter of water.
The flowers are used to manufacture liquors and to perfume doughnuts.
The infusion or the maceration of the fresh flowers in alcohol, cane, etc., administered in drops desleídas in water it is a good antispasmodic and they are used in the nervous hysteria and press of the heart.
The decoction of the cortex that is rich in tannin, is used in the proportion of 20 grams in a liter of water, as astringent to wash wounds, ulcerations and also in crops for the inflammations of the buccal mucosa.
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