Among a 8 and 10% of the queries that are carried out to Internet from Europe they take constructive the word sex. Such and like it points out a studio of the University of Pittsburg, only six years ago, 25% of the searches had some relationship with the sex; today, on the other hand, the favorite topics are the electronic commerce and those related with the services.
The women suffer more for love. The Italian therapist Walter Riso, attributes it "to the feminine biggest sensibility, but also to that the feminist revolution didn't take I get an affective revolution, the understanding on the part of the woman that it can be alone affectively and that he/she doesn't have to love to be carried out."
When the music speaks of loving relationships, the idea that prevails is that the woman gives and the man receives. But that is not everything: 83% of the feminine singers insists in that idea, in front of "only" 55% of the men.
90% of the German has faked an orgasm at some time, most of them to please its couple.
The labor schedule he/she reduces the possibilities to exit and to find the perfect man. So much that one of each three western adults from among 25 and 49 years he/she doesn't have couple.
Among the victims of the labor pursuit in Spain more women than men are counted. According to the report Cisneros on this topic, directed by Iñaki Piñuel, the pursuit originates before the worker's negative to waive in the face of the blackmail or the servility, or for claim of its labor rights, for envy or, simply, for sexism.
The women have more memory than the men, as it concludes a studio of the University of Florida. The report points out, also that they are specially skilled when remembering the names of people.
Of purchases. The Spaniards spend 68% of their budget in clothes, shoes and linen; 36,8% in leisure and 22,5% in cosmetics. They only dedicate to the saving 2,5% of their money.
. for the Network. 63% of those who buy in the network is women whose half age is of 45 years.
According to a work that Medical has published Journal, the risk of mortality can decrease in 50% among those males that enjoy a sexual active life.
In the Welsh city of Caerphily, 918 males from among 45 and 59 years they showed up voluntary to this pioneer experiences. All they were submitted to a medical complete checkup and an interview in the one that you/they were asked with all frequency maintained sexual relationships. The answer to these questions varied from never until every day.
Next, during ten years, the investigators analyzed the health and the cases of mortality in this group of men. When it concluded this period of investigation, the data gathered by these scientists were truly surprising.
The more discharge was the <> of the entrants, more probabilities had of being healthy and alive.
The oldest manuals about sexuality were written about 500 years ago in China.
The first sex-shop of the history settled in the German city of Flensburg in 1962. Thirty years later, the signature has 650 employees and a volume of businesses of 8.000 million pesetas currently a year.
The condoms king size (supertalla) are experiencing a boom of sales in many countries. One of each four men complains that he finds too tight condoms uncomfortable during the sexual activity.
In a survey carried out in the Institute Kinsey in 1990, in which a question was included with respect to the size of the penis, the males believed that the mean size was from "20 to 30 cm" while the women deemed that "less than 10." The correct fact is from 12 to 18 cm.
At least three women - an American, a Briton and an Australian - they maintain that they have had sexual relationships with infants of the external space.
The World Organization of the Health (OMS) called the carefulness in 1973 on the formation ullage it has more than enough people's sexuality enabled to run the educational programas. Their feature consisted on facilitating information, to offer therapies, to form educational and to advise where it was necessary. He/she should have their appearance in the services of maternal-infantile care, centers of family planning, of mental health and community health. Of the multitude of necessities and social lawsuits he/she is derived the necessary specialization of the sexólogo like: sexual consultant, expert in sexual pedagogy, expert in sexual therapy and investigator. As in our country there are not ruled studios of sexología, the societies sexológicas have gone imparting diverse formation paths.
"From where does the verb follar come?"
He/she comes from the word Latin follicare (to blow), come in turn of follis (bellows). Follicare has given to our tongue other words like folgar, to not work and it. The verb follar, in its origin, meant to play or to relax; later he/she passed to refer to the sexual act. To refer to the same thing we also use to fornicate, word that comes from fornices, the bridges under those that the Roman prostitutes used to locate awaiting clients.
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