The horse possesses a march to the step that has a lot of similarity with the human march. The same sandal the integration of four professional different environments: the psychology, the medicine, the pedagogy and the sport.
The beneficial movement of the horse is known from the antiquity. In the year 460 AC, Hippocrates in their book "The Diets" already spoke of the beneficial employment of the sport of the horses. Later, in the XVII century the medicine used the horsemanship like method to combat the drop, illness that for then it created authentic havoc.
The equine therapy records of three stages. In first o'clock, named hipoterapia, the practitioner is entirely dependent of the equine therapist, that is to say that is not able to manage the horse by itself. Then, he/she spends to a second phase that is the properly this equine therapy, in which the practitioner achieves an independence of the equine therapist. And lastly, pre.deportivo, in which the practitioner achieves the complete handling of the horse for his own means. Estro is a previous income to the sport area.
The neuromuscular financial years applied during it mounts it they reinforce and they supplement the therapeutical effect and they support the regulation of the muscular shade, the decrease of the toned goods, the coordination thick psicomotríz, the corporal building-out network, the stabilization of the trunk and of the head, and the development of elasticity, agility and muscle strength.
During this activity they are carried out the financial years and games between the patient and the therapist, without forgetting the therapeutical purpose. The realized games among the partners encourage the social interaction, benefitting the area member motorboat besides the psicomotricidad.
This activity can be taken advantage of by people with neurological (cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, hemiplegias, parkinson, muscular injuries, polio, among other) pathologies; orthopedic and surgical (amputations, escoliosis, etc) pathologies;. Sequels of traumatism cranoecefálico with broadcast motorboat; cerebral palsy; (spastic, discinética, atáxica, hypnotic) autism; hiperquinesia; neurosis. psychosis. schizophrenia; toxicomanias; down (that they don't possess subluxación atlantoaxial) syndrome; illnesses neurodegenerativas; anorexy or bulimia; escoliosis (smaller than 40º); kyphosis; lordosis; lumbago; amputations; muscular dystrophies; syndromes pospolio; cardiopathies.
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