It is about an actual fact commented by the famous neurologist Oliver Sacks. In this concrete case, Mr. P. he/she suffered a cognitive acute forfeiture: their brain was able to see, to hear, to feel and to hear perfectly, but it could not emit personal judgments. This way, it inserted their wife in the conceptual same category that an umbrella or a hat.
Illness that usually takes place when a traumatism damages the right part of the brain and it paralyzes the left-hand side of the body. In some cases the patient sees her paralyzed arm but she believes that she moves. If he/she is requested that he/she gets tied up the cords of the shoes, he/she will try to make it with a single hand and evidently he/she won't be able to conclude the task, but he will believe that it has procured it as if he/she had two useful hands.
Hemispheric malpractice
It is the deterioration of the visual centers of a side of the brain that causes that the sick person only sees half of the things. These patients only eat, for example, the left side of the plate, they write in the left side of the folio or they only get tied up the left shoe.
Syndrome of Korsakov
It is usually a consequence of the chronic alcoholism. It is about a cerebral injury that causes amnesia. The patient is unable to remember the new facts or tests, its memory to short term is gravely affected, he/she only remembers old facts, previous to the illness. The person believes that she has the age that had when beginning this illness and she thinks that she is living in that time. Everything that makes currently he forgets it quickly.
Syndrome of Capgras
It is a dysfunction of the identification capacity. The patient sees her spouse's face, for example, and you/he/she is safe that you/he/she is about an impostor. It seems that he/she is due to some disconnection between the physical mechanism of the visual recognition and the affective memory. The fellow sees a well-known face, but don't experience the affective reactions corresponding to the vision of a to be wanted, for what interprets that he is an impostor.
Syndrome of Munchausen
It is about one of the calls dummy more serious dysfunctions. The patient feigns to suffer illnesses by means of the ingestion of obnoxious products and she is even practiced wounds and mutilations to get the carefulness and this way to benefit of the supposed inducements of being taken care. When the patient makes the same thing with her dear beings, I eat for example with her petty children, the dysfunction calls himself syndrome of Munchausen for adjacency.
Syndrome of Tourette
The sick persons of this wrong suffer compulsive tics that can be of all type, from facial bare movements to vocal tics. In this last case, the patient is unable to control the sounds and words that you/he/she emits. Sometimes, the fellow says tacos without control in any status, to what is named coprolalia. One of each 200 subject with chronic tics can end up suffering this dysfunction of genetic origin.
It is a wrong that he/she suffers near the population's 1%. The sick person starts the hair of any body part compulsively: head, brows, chest, pubic field...
Blind vision
The patients seem completely blind, at least regarding a part of their visual field. If they are asked if they can see an object in that field, the answer is negative. But if they are forced to point out where he/she is that object, it will indicate the correct place. Somehow, their visual mechanisms have been discontinued. They can see, but they are not aware of it.
Syndrome of the Foreign Accent mark
50 cases localized in this stranger's dysfunction world that arises exist when different connections of the control rooms of the language in the left side of the brain suffer a damage. Some patients generate a language standard totally different to the own one. In certain occasions, the individual ends speaking with accent mark different to that of his country or an unrecognizable tongue, product of the mixture of several languages with those that he has had contact.
Blindness to the movement
A very strange variety of blind vision. The patient sees the static objects well, but you/he/she doesn't perceive the movement. If it tosses the coffee in a cup, it captures without problems the coffeepot, the plate, the cup... but the stream appears before its eyes like an icy and immobile column. It is a not well disabling one. The cars, people, the television images appear and they disappear suddenly at different distances, but they get lost as soon as they move. The well-known few cases have taken place after a brain-vascular accident.
Mental disturbances of other countries or exotic
It is given in the island of Java and Indonesia, it is a dysfunction in that the individual, after suffering a social (it is generally given in men) strong shame, begins to run even destroying all that finds to his step, killing the animals unceasingly and to people to that you trips in his road. The remainder of the population usually finishes it killing to be a hazard, but those that end up outliving, show a total amnesia on that happened.
The wild-type" "Man's syndrome is given in New Papua Guinea. It is a dysfunction of the language that appears only from among in men 30 and 35 years, which begin to speak in an unconnected way, saying extraneous things. The population screams that this man has become a wild-type man, they surround it and they simulate that they fear him/her. Finally the man finishes going to the forest, but in his road it makes petty abstractions in other towns and these stolen things the he goes scattering for the forest. To the end of some weeks he/she returns home as if it had not happened anything.
It is a mental disturbance type that is only given in China. The sick person believes that his penis goes decreasing progressively until invaginarse in the abdomen and to cause the death. In a 30 or 40% of the cases the sick person has associate a depression, but the remainder they don't have any other pathology. The patient can end up dying for this illness.
Dhat or Dhatu
It is a characteristic dysfunction of India, also called syndrome of the seminal forfeiture, it affects until a 15 or 20% of the users of the primary centers. In the medicine Ayurveda is believed that people are formed by four fundamental humors, and one of them is the semen. These humors are not regenerables and they have a border, for what the men throughout their life go by different stages, and in last o'clock they can no longer have sexual relationships. The men that have many relationships lose the semen and they age before, but the women that receive it, every time they rejuvenate more. Dhat is the problem in that the man keeps very little semen and it is manifested with a chronic fatigue, the physicians recommend them that they don't have relationships that you/they rest and that they feed well. They also believe that if the urination is clear, it is that somewhere around he/she escapes the semen, and they usually look at it for if they have forfeitures.
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