Lies, double-crosss, ullage of passion, forbidden desires are only some of the concerns that despair the man and the woman. What to make in front of these status
The ideal relationship between the man and the woman is the one that is built and it consolidates with solid and frank bases.
However, many times of the ideal thing to the actual thing there are abysmal distances. Many couples in the actual life cohabit flanked of dilemmas that in the sexual plan, they transform into a torture. Lies, double-crosss, it lacks of desire, lovers and forbidden desires mine to newspaper the couple's relationship.
The sexual problems require special carefulness and punctual answers.
In that sense, the British therapy Anne Hooper, scans some status in its book "Sex: you ask and answers" where he/she explains how to confront the couple's different dilemmas, according to pubic portal Univision.
Some of the cases are:
"I lied to my couple regarding my sexual" history.
If he/she plans to pass the remainder of their life with that person, it is advisable to "admit" for not feeling eternally guilty, although you can only evaluate the intensity of their blame feelings.
The absolute honesty will allow him/her to relax you and to know that its couple loves him and you/he/she accepts beyond her life loving passing.
Another topic to consider is if its couple judges it severely or you/he/she criticizes her sexual behavior: does he/she believe that it is worthwhile to be with somebody whose love parameters differ so much of his?
"My couple spends hours in the "chats" of internet and I believe that you/he/she maintains a virtual" romance.
The virtual relationships, consistent in the exchange of explicit messages accompanied by autosatisfacción, they can have an erotic high voltage. They are sometimes so actual and intense that people experience desires to be known, and some couples have separated or divorced by this reason. But many of these relationships are occasional and they only last some days or weeks.
Their couple needs to understand that when moving away from you you/he/she is mining the emotional increment and the communication that all couple requires. And you will have to capture and to satisfy her necessities, surprising her with a night exit, for example.
We "stop to maintain sexual relationships a while ago, and I am not safe of wanting to continue with the relationship."
If it accepts couple's psychotherapy or sexual therapy, it will feel that at least he/she has made a last effort to save the relationship. If once started the therapy wants to end the relationship, use the sessions to analyze its decision, and to speak with its couple regarding such a drastic determination.
It also exists the possibility that the therapy exercises a beneficent effect on you, and he/she makes him/her change opinion. It is worthwhile to make the test, although it is as last petition.
"The person with which I am he/she is a fabulous lover, but as couple it is a disaster."
The sex is hardly an apart from the prolonged relationships. Although it is extremely important during the first years, it spreads to occupy their true place with running of the time. It is maybe happening him/her that. If their couple doesn't appraise it or she has abusive behaviors, he will probably need to leave it for reedificar her self-esteem.
I am "42 years old and I am thinking of having relationships with a person of 22. I worry about the age" difference.
If to both they don't care the difference of years, the sexual relationship should not enter problems. They can learn the one of the other one very much and to pass amusing and fabulous moments while they learn.
Other thing is if the relationship is prolonged or it prospers: How will the different stages of the life live? The lifestyle that you want for its fourth decade of existence, is probably very different from the one that yearns its loving veinteañero. What will it happen in five years?
It is worthwhile to consider these issues before being linked emotionally.
We have been about improving our sexual life, but the flame seems to have been extinguished, although we still love" each other.
According to the psychologist Robert Sternberg, the loving relationships have three fundamental pillars: intimacy, passion and compromise. In the ideal relationship, these elements are present in parts you equalize. But the relationships don't necessarily have to be perfect and many of them can outlive without one of the pillars.
Among you they can have more than enough intimacy and compromise, to compensate that lack.Also, the fact that the initial flame has faded it doesn't imply that they should stop to make love completely.
I am "about to start a loving adventure, but I am afraid to be making an error."
The extra-married romances can have serious consequences. It seems positive to take a time to meditate on their decision. Imagine the worst result in the adventure and be about thinking how he/she would behave in that circumstance.
How would he/she feel if it lost their main relationship and all the things that accompany her, among other as their house so many? Would it seem him/her disastrous or is a price that is worthwhile to pay?
Also analyze the reasons that take it to an adventure: if they have to do with specific problems of their relationship, does he/she believe that it could be about solving them?
Anyway, it is only possible knowledge in retrospective if a loving adventure was an error or not.
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