Hans Selye (1907-1982) was the responsible one of coining this word. Physiologist and Viennese physician, were also Director of the Institute of Medicine and Experimental Surgery of the University of Montreal. In 1950 it published their more famous investigation: "Stress, a studio about the anxiety." Starting from this thesis, the stress or general syndrome of adaptation (known by the initials SGA) passed to summarize an entire group of symptoms psicofisiológicos. Selye was able to separate the physical goods of the stress of other symptoms suffered by its patients through its investigation. He/she observed that their patients suffered physical dysfunctions that were not caused directly by their illness or for their medical condition.
You can classify by means of the following outline:
According to their type
Physical stress: it is that that doesn't allow the person to act correctly for changes in the environment or in the daily routine. This can end up hindering the operation of the senses, the flow and respiration. If the physical stress is prolonged, it can damage the health gravely or any delicate status that one already has to worsen.
Psychic stress: it is that caused by the requirements that the person is made to complete in a certain lapse. The compliance of schedules, tasks and occupations where what is demanded is bigger than the person's capacities, it causes the appearance of the stress that far from improving the person's performance, it worsens him and it deletes all autosuperación sense
According to their factors:
Quantity of stress
Hipoestress: little stress.
Hiperestress: a lot of stress.
Stress consequence
Distress: it is about a negative stress in which the lawsuits are very big for our organism.
Eustress: it is a positive stress that he/she boosts us to improve and to overcome us.
Stress grade
Acute stress: it is about a stress of little duration or passenger, but very strong, like kind of an emotional shock
Chronic stress: it is about a strong or weak stress that is prolonged too much or that it is never stopped to have.
The stress can direct or indirectly to contribute to general or specific disorders of the body and the mind.
In the first place, this status makes that the brain puts on in guard. The reaction of the brain is to prepare the body for the defensive share. The nervous system wakes up and the hormones are released to activate the senses, to accelerate the pulse, to deepen the respiration and to tighten the muscles. This answer (sometimes call the answer of to fight or to escape) is important, because he/she helps us to defend against threatening status. The answer is programmed biologically. Everybody reacts more or less in the same way .tanto if the status takes place in the house like in the work.
The short or uncommon episodes of stress represent little risk. But when the stressful status are happened without resolution, the body remains in a constant state of alert, that which the physiologic attrition rate that bears to the fatigue or the bodily injury, and the capacity of the body to recover and to be defended increases can see seriously committed. As a result, it raises the injury risk or illness.
Condition stressful
It boosts working Excess or working ullage. Speed in carrying out the task. Necessity to make decisions. It tires, for effort important physique. Travel long and numerous. Excessive I number of workhours. Changes in the work.
The working loading, so much in the aspects difficult of the task, as the excessive work, they have obtained a direct relationship, among workhours and death caused by coronary artery disease. (Breslow and Buell 1960) .La boosts working, also this related one significantly with a series of stress symptoms: alcohol consumption, absenteeism labor, low motivation in the work, low self-esteem, pressure in the work, threat perception, bewilderment, high-level of cholesterol, increment of the cardiac rate and I increase of usage of cigarettes.
Consequences of the stress
In the first place, the stress modifies the habits related with health, so that with the hurries, the ullage of time, the pressure, etc., they raise the non healthy behaviors, such as smoking, to drink, or to eat in excess, and they decrease the healthy behaviors, as exercising physical, to save a diet, to sleep sufficiently, cautionary behaviors of hygiene, etc. These changes of habits can affect negatively to the health and, of course, they can be developed a series of addictions, with very negative consequences for the individual in the main areas of their life, like they are the family, the social relationships, the work, the health, etc. Let us see some data:
(1) in some highly stressful professions there are more high rates of tabaquismo, alcoholism and other addictions;
(2) this is also certain in unemployed workers, in front of what you/they have work;
(3) people with obesity enter more high levels of anxiety that people that don't enter obesity;
(4) the power supply (anorexy and bulimia) dysfunctions are also very bound with anxiety;
(5) many people with social phobia have problems with the alcohol.
In turn, the development of pernicious habits for health, like it is the case of the addictions, he/she makes raise the stress. The intervention programas for the reduction in value of the weight, or the intervention programas in addictions, or the treatment of the power supply dysfunctions, etc., they should include technical of reduction in value of anxiety and handling of the stress, because when it is made this way they improve their effectiveness.
In second place, the stress can produce a physiologic high activation that, maintained in the time, it can cause malfunctions psicofisiológicas or psychosomatic, such as headaches you tense them, cardiovascular problems, digestive problems, sexual problems, etc. (Farmer and Frizzy, 1993); in turn, the stress can produce changes in other systems, especially an immunodepression that makes raise the risk of infections (as the flu) can take place and it can raise the probability of developing immunologic illnesses, as the cancer (Gray-headed Vindel and Miguel Tobal, 1994). Let us see data:
(1) the patient hipertensos enters levels of anxiety and more high anger that people with normal arterial pressure;
(2) people that suffer arrhythmias, migraines, asthma, skin dysfunctions, sexual malfunctions, digestive dysfunctions, muscular contractures, etc., in general they enter high levels of anxiety;
(3) the students in time of exams (their main period of stress) are more vulnerable to the flu or infectious illnesses of pulmonary type, being more vulnerable people with high anxiety to the exams.
The programas of training in reduction in value of anxiety improve the psychological well-being in all these cases, but they also diminish the physiologic activation and they improve the physical symptoms of these illnesses (reduction in value of the arterial pressure, decrease of the tachycardia in the arrhythmias, deletion of the pain in the migraines, etc.
In third place, the stress can overflow the individual so that it begins to develop a series of slopes or cognitive errors in the interpretation of its physiologic activation, or of its behavior, or of its pansies, or of some status that in turn take him/her to acquire a series of irrational fears, phobias, etc., that of for yes they are a problem of health (the calls anxiety disorders), but that in turn they can continue deteriorating the health in other forms. For example, a submitted person to prolonged stress can end up developing wonderful attacks, or crisis of anxiety that are strong reactions of anxiety that the individual cannot control, with autonomic strong downloads, fear to an attack to the heart, etc.
During this crisis the individual interprets his physiologic activation erroneously and he thinks that he will lack air (when hiperventilando is really), or that he/she will die from an attack to the heart, or that he/she will get dizzy and he/she will fall to the floor, or that he/she will become crazy, etc.
Later on, these wonderful attacks usually get complicated with an agoraphobia (relief of certain status that produce anxiety), with a dependence of the ansiolíticos, sometimes with depression reactions for not being able to resolve their problem, etc.
(Peurifoy, 1993; Gray-headed Vindel, 2002). These anxiety disorders are much more frequent in women that in males (from 2 to 3 more frequent times), but in general a crisis of anxiety coincides with one period of much of stress that has been prolonged a certain time.
Between 1,5% and the population's 3,5% it suffers wonderful dysfunctions with or without agoraphobia. The appearance age is between the 17 and the 35 years, fair in its more productive age.
The stress can also cause a series of disturbances on the cognitive higher processes (carefulness, perception, memory, taking of decisions, judgments, etc.) and a deterioration of the performance in academic or labor (Gray-headed Vindel and Miguel Tobal, 1996), labor (Gray-headed Vindel and Miguel Tobal, 1995) contexts, etc.
This way, the students with high appraisal anxiety enter a decrease of the performance for example, while the programas of training in reduction in value of anxiety to the exams don't only reduce this, but rather they improve the academic performance, raising the half note.
Nowadays diverse methods exist to combat the stress, a phenomenon that can be approached from a biomedical point of view or, psychological; without a doubt, the combination of treatments will allow to obtain some more beneficial results for the person that suffers it.
From the biomedical focus the treatment for the stress is the recipe of tranquilizers or ansiolíticos, especially the benzodiacepinas that impact directly in the physiologic answers of stress.
Nowadays diverse methods exist to combat the stress, a phenomenon that can be approached from a biomedical point of view or, psychological; without a doubt, the combination of treatments will allow to obtain some more beneficial results for the person that suffers it.
From the biomedical focus the treatment for the stress is the recipe of tranquilizers or ansiolíticos, especially the benzodiacepinas that impact directly in the physiologic answers of stress.
From the psychological focus they think about different alternatives; all they grant great importance to the control of the emotional anxiety, as well as to the use of the petitions of the organism. Among the most important, it is necessary to mention the following ones. The biofeedback techniques that consist on the learning of the voluntary control of the physiologic features and of the self-operating activities (the muscular pressure, the blood pressure, etc.
From the psychological focus they think about different alternatives; all they grant great importance to the control of the emotional anxiety, as well as to the use of the petitions of the organism. Among the most important, it is necessary to mention the following ones. The biofeedback techniques that consist on the learning of the voluntary control of the physiologic features and of the self-operating activities (the muscular pressure, the blood pressure, etc.); the respiration techniques and relaxation that are based on the idea that, releasing the body of the muscular (through the abdominal respiration, or of financial years of pressure-distension of the muscle groups, respectively) pressure, the "pressure of the mind" will be released; the cognitive-behavioral techniques, for example the concealed (that he/she consists on learning how to stop the pansy distorsionador that causes negative emotions and to substitute it for other more positive and more constructive) assertion, the concealed (with which the fellow learns how to relax himself while he imagines scenes that progressively go causing bigger anxiety) de-sensitization, the inoculation to the stress (with her he/she becomes trained as to confront and to relax you in the face of a comprehensive variety of stressful tests, developing new reaction forms beyond the fear and the anger); the autocontrol (that they suppose the training of a person to regulate their behaviors, directing their efforts to regulate their own environment, not to modify unmanageable possible or supposed interior states, through the manipulation of conditions antecedents and of consequences) techniques, etc.
Apart from the aforementioned treatments, the electric stimulation, the acupuncture or the audioanalgesia constitute alternative techniques to make in front of the stress and to their consequences.
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