
Gestation - Control and Cares

In spite of the dysfunctions more or less intense and always transitory that are given in the mother-to-be's body, if it has been tried to treat them appropriately, the pregnancy is a phase of the woman's life that we must consider normal, the woman's biology is directed to perpetuate the specie and everything that makes in its favor it is a little. The pregnant woman from the first moments, it should trust the physician and to follow their commissions. The fact of trusting of the common sense or of the family test it exposes to end in big errors. The contrast with the previous generation that the physician in the middle of disaster, today only called is every more exceptional day that a woman arrives to the moment of the childbirth without book credit visited a gynecologist, at least in the big cities or in the industrialized fields; in the field, in the agricultural fields of many areas, the affluence is already pettier, but this fields are in fact those that provide a more high level of maternal and fetal mortality. It is of wanting that they still multiply not the prenatal clinics in these fields modernized, and that to them all the mothers still go remiss in recognizing the magnitude of the advances that you/they have been achieved in the care to the pregnant woman.

The first query should be a month, or to the two menstruation ullages to discard from the first moment any precocious alteration and to teach the first hygienic standards. The other visits should be monthly, being of special interest in the last weeks. During these visits, a mutual trust should settle down between the pregnant one and the gynecologist, undergoing the patient the recognition of its general state, of the normality of the different apparatuses (respiratory, digestive, urinal, etc.), and to the appraisal of different analysis, among which are indispensable the blood type, the factor RH, the urination exam, the arterial pressure, the control of weight and the different ultrasounds. Possibly debit side to add the red blood count, the determination of the quantity of sugar in the blood and the reactions for the diagnostic of the possible lúes or syphilis.

It is indispensable the woman's serene attitude in front of their pregnancy. In the woman's life, the pregnancy and the childbirth they represent a moment emotional resemblance, or maybe general ledger, to that of the puberty or that of the menopause, and the psychic behavior in front of that state depends on the sexual education, of the family (a lot of disastrous times) attitude, of the cultural level and of the happiness or sadness with which the event is accepted. The woman must have the convincing that she should be mother and that the childbirth is not any secret, and it must abort the fear to complications and the pain. A relaxed woman that allows to behave confidently for her gynecologist that has learned how to breathe that has the affection and the husband's understanding or couple, makes much easier the moment of the childbirth, and stiller knowing that the obstetrician has today powerful means of help that they facilitate his work and they redound in the mother's benefit and of the son.

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