The record of not paying attention to the traffic lights while he/she put on makeup the he/she has Ms. Janet Dodson in 1 hr 51 mins 8 seg in the crossing of highways in the center of Preston August 1 1975. Ms. Dodson, piano teacher, he/she was putting on makeup during 212 traffic light cycles, creating a queue of 45 Km.
The aparacamiento place but petty utilized with success for a woman was of 20 m, equivalent to 3 normal parking places, by Mrs.Elizabeth Simpkins driving a Vauxhall Nova October 2 1993. The maneuver began at 11.15 in the morning and it was able later to park 50 cm.de the sidewalk 8 hours and 14 minutes. There were petty damages in the buffers of their own car and in in those of the two adjacente cars, as well as two broken lighthouses.
I brake of hand:
The trip but I release completed by a woman with the tossed hand control it was of 504 Km. by Julie Thorn to the steering wheel of a Saab 900 April 2 1987. To the 5 kilometers of the trip Mrs. Thorn began to smell of burnt but continuing the trip tossing fume for the backside wheels. This trip, also got the records of the longest trip completed with the totally open starter and with the on intermittent right.
The record of women's group but big in going committees to the laundry 147 workers of the safe-deposit Social department they possess it in Longbenton. In their annual celebration of Christmas in a night club of Newcastle-upon-tyne October of 1994, 12 Mrs. Beryl Crabtree you rises to go to the laundry and forthwith it was continued by other 146 wizards to the party. Moving like a mass, the group enters in the laundry at 9.52 in the afternoon and, after to wait to that all ended up, they exitted 2 hours and 37 minutes but late.
February of 1992, 18 Joyce Blatherwick, friend of Agnes becomes intimate Banbury, I comment it in the but strict confidentiality during a visit to take the you that she was having an adventure with the butcher.After Mrs. Blatherwick leaves at 2:10 in the afternoon, Mrs.Banbury began forthwith to be it to everybody, making them swear that they would not count it to anybody. Toward 2.30 in the afternoon, it had counted it to 128 people. Toward 2.50 o'clock, they were already 372 and on 4.00 2.774 people they knew the adventure, including the amateur local group of theater, some circles, a replete bus of American tourists and the butcher's woman. When a tired Mrs. Banbury went to bed at 11:55 o'clock that night, the adventure of Mrs. Blatherwick was known by 75.338 people, enough to fill the stadium of Wembley.
The record of wornout time doubting in a store was of 12 days, between August 21 and September of 1995, 2 for Sandra Wilks in the store of Dorothy Perkins in Birmingham. Mrs. Wilks enters in the store one Saturday in the morning and it was not able to choose practically same dresses that were in reductions between two. After one hour, his husband, sat down on a seat in the fitting room supporting the head in the hands, said it that he bought both. At the end, Mrs. Wilks buys one for 12.99 and it returned to the up-to-date following store to change it for the other one.
Until today it has not still put it to him. Mrs. Wilks also possesses the record of time looking at a window, set forth when September 12 1995 were without moving looking at a pair of shoes of a window during 3 weeks and two days before returning home.
The record of wounded women while they fought to enter to a store in reductions it is of 98, in February of 1991. When the gates of the store opened up at 10 in the morning, the initial fight to enter first you collection 16 lives, and 25 lives but squeezed in the first shelf.
The setting in sale of dresses to 10 pennies ends in a melee to great scale that I am in the lost of other 18 lives.
Other 39 women died as consequence of a pitched battle caused to procure panties to 5 pennies.
To speak:
Mrs. Mary Caterham Mrs. Marjorie Steele sat down in the kitchen and they spoke on he/she swims in particular uninterruptedly during four and a half months, from May of 1978, 1 resting alone to take coffee, pastries and to go to the service. During this whole time, no information was swapped and of course none of two o'clock learned anything of the other one. The record outdoors Mrs maintains it. Vera Etherington and their neighboring Mrs. Dolly Booth, which were speaking through the barrier of their garden between November 11 1983 and January of 1984, 12 in an I interact unconscious during almost 62 days, until Mrs. Booth reminds that he/she had left the water of the opened bathroom.
The record of time that a woman has been doing a movie with her husband without asking a stupid question on the movie was gotten October of 1990, 28 when Mrs. Ethel Brunswick sat down in the cinema with its husband to see 'The Ipcress File.' He/she was looking at the movie in silence during 2 minutes 42 seconds, before asking: "That is good or bad, that, the one that takes glasses." Therewith it did break their own record settled down in 1962 when I wait 2 minutes and 38 seconds of the movie "Squadron 633" before asking?"Is a movie of war?"
To speak:
A woman of Oxfordshire today had been able to be first o'clock in breaking the barrier of the 30 followed minutes saying a single sentence without taking encouragement. Mrs. Mavis Sommers, of 48 anuses, destruction the old record of 23 minutes when he/she explained very excited to their neighbor a discussion that had had with their butcher. It was able to be 32 minutes and 12 seconds speaking without catching air, before to become blue and to suffer a collapse.
It was taken to a hospital and given of high but it takes after being submitted to diverse checkups. In the height of their locution I reach the incredible figure of 680 words per minute, repeating the main points of their history 114 times.
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