Basically all the vaccines against the illnesses for virus work in the same form that the monumental discovery of Jenner. They boost to the body to form an army of protective antibodies that any pathologic actual organism that enters .de later on will combat it forms similar to like one takes care medieval walled it was boosted to gather troops and to get ready for a place before the view of an extraneous band that was taken by the vanguard of the invasive army. Not it imports a lot if they are really enemy soldiers or not. The important thing is that they wake up the defenders and they prepare them to defend of an actual attack.
Each virus takes in its covered protécnica kind of a pennant of signals called antigen these warning pennants they help to that the body can recognize the enemy's nature and to calculate the type of more suitable answer. Then, certain body cells, the plasmacitos, manufactures proteins called antibodies, made specifically to be linked with the molecular setup of the antigens of the virus.
A dead virus can still take this warning pennant. Some vaccines - as that of Salk against the polio - they are made of dead virus that cannot cause damage, but that anyway they boost to the plasmacitos to produce antibodies.
Other vaccines use alive but attenuated virus. These are virus created in and lab through successive generations until they are too weak to cause illness. But the body, without recognizing that the viruses are attenuated, mobilizes a permanent army of antibodies that you/they are of guard against the most dangerous cousins in the attenuated viruses.
Some vaccines of alive virus - as that of Jenner against the pock - they contain virus that are related antigénicamente with other more dangerous viruses. The antigens or warning pennants that take in their proteid covers, are sufficiently similar to the antigens of the viruses of the illnesses like to double-cross to the defenses of the body and to make produce effective antibodies against the similar other viruses.
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