The precocious puberty is the premature awakening of the gónadas (sexual glands, in this case ovaries), because of a bigger activity of the lobe previous of the hypophysis that he/she enters in feature before time. Other lawsuits that can produce it are the tumors of ovaries or of the adrenal glands. The precocious puberty shows as much in the sex characteristics as in the constitution. He/she appears the body hair pubiano prematurely, a generalized feminización takes place and also an increment of the bone growth.
Then the girl is more developed of those than you/he/she corresponds to her age, except in the psychic part whose development usually is not parallel to the somatic one and and it adjusts in general to the age.
On the other hand, the late puberty is characterized to have, as the term to her allocated the it indicates, a lag that takes place in the beginning of the operation gonadal, for decrease of the system activity diencefalohipofisario. They also exist other lawsuits, which can be for example, that of ovarian (ullage of ovaries) impotence, the ovarian (I develop bad of the gónadas, or Turner syndrome) disgenesia, among other.
It is considered that late when reached puberty exists the fifteen years, they don't show up symptoms of maturation of the sex characteristics. The late puberty talks medically to sexual feminine hormones, being obtained very good results.
And of here in more, diverse alterations of the genital feminine cycle can take place during the puberty like they are: the delay in the appearance of the first menstruation (primary amenorrhea), quite frequent; short cycles, inferior to the normal (polimenorreas) duration; or on the contrary, long cycles, of duration higher to the normal (oligomenorrheae) thing from five to six weeks and abnormal; excess of the quantity of menstrual (menorragia) secretion; you haemorrhage juvenile, without chronological relationship with the menstrual period.
It is considered that primary amenorrhea exists when after the eighteen years the menarche has not taken place. In the first place, this abnormality can be due to a family hereditary (endocrine illness) tare that would constitute a well-known antecedent in such a case. If the characteristic nuisances of the menstrual cycle exist it is signal that ovarian feature exists and then the gynecological exam can reveal malformations of the vagina or of the uterus. Also, in a general exam, they can be manifestations pluriglandulares (that is to say, of other glands), as dwarfism, dystrophy adiposogenital, etc..
The lawsuits of the other alterations can be very varied and in general., when dysfunctions of this class exist, it is absolutely necessary to consult to the gynecologist.
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