This is the case of a patient of Spanish, called citizenship Laura, 38 years old: "When I enter in a living room full with people I blush and I sit down that all the eyes are on me. You give me shame to stop in a corner. I feel so clumsy that I want to disappear, to hide, to escape..." According to the statistical data, the fear the public to be affects from among in your legal age to women 15 and 30 years.
This phobia type usually shoots in parties, conferences or all kinds of social activities in those that one has to speak, to drink or to eat in public, they Represent the conflicting most unbeatable status. To give up these acts impoverishes the social life of the phobic one that he/she enter in a chicken-and-egg situation of which are difficult to escape.
To confront it, you are necessary to make an effort to face the social events in a more relaxed way. A good tactics is to begin being exposed to these status that terrify the possible better preparation: to learn technical that reduce the anxiety, to acquire social abilities and comunicacionales, as well as to practice therapies of corporal expression and relajamiento.
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