Zoofobias: You are the fear to the animals. You have been said that they are a rake of our primitive inheritance, since the primates also feared the snakes; but your appearance in the up-to-date society is of the most current thing. Some of the most usual are the terror before the spiders, insects, domestic animals as dogs and winches, or in front of mice. To confront it, you should be appealed to technical of relaxation. Positive tests are verified with the exhibition therapy to the virtual reality. Another commission according to some associations, is visionar movies on the topic, as for example "Spiderphobia."
Xenophobia: You are the fear to the foreign thing or the doferente. You are about an individual phobia of character that one manifests socially. The sick person, be already about an individual or of a community, you search to explain your apprehension irrational (genetic or cultural superiority) mediating arguments. To confront this problem, you should be contacted with other cultures, either traveling or being informed on them, to encourage this way the allowance.
Obnoxious: Knives, open wounds, hospitals, injections, death, blood... they form a very not very advisable gallery of sensations. Although to suffer this phobia doesn't disable for the quotidian activities, you are always better tolerant being before objects and status of the daily life that can suppose hazard. The psychoanalytic therapy, is valid in the treatment of many of these cases.
Apprehension before the illnesses: The fear to suffocate, to choke, to suffer cancer, to be victim of infections and infections, the AIDS... you transform some people into hypochondriacs that come risks everywhere. As for the cure, in your base they are dummy myths and taboos. The previous information relativizes the hazards. You can continue being afraid, but at a more reasonable level.
Hidrophobia: According to some psychological theories, the fear to the water hides another hidden factor in the fellow's mind: the fear to the life, symbolized by the sea and the big extensions of this liquid element. Although you seem contradictory, the same water can be the remedy against the hidrophobia. The massage, the "shiatsu" and the meditation, they also help to expire the fear and to acquire bigger surety.
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