This is a question that more than a person, either alone or in couple, you are made in some or moment.
In the XIII century, Gregorio IX promulgated that that New Catholic Encyclopedia names "the first general legislation of a Pope against the contraception"; although the Catholic Church maintained your posture from the century II of our era. The same emblem that all measure that take with object of impeding the procreation is intrinsically mala. The Catholic dogma foments the idea that the sexual relationships among the spouses should always leave the gate open to the possibility of a pregnancy.
According to the Catholic Church, the contraceptives are morally reproof, since:
• They caused the sexual revolution: Once people believed that you could have relationships without the possibility of a pregnancy (or at least with a very reduced orcentaje of probabilities), they began to be indifferent to the traditional structures that protect the children and the sex
• Since the contraceptives fail, they arose every time pregnancies in feme sole and adolescents, as well as headed alone families for the mother.
• The number of venereal illnesses was increased, thanks to the sex prematrimonial and extramatrimonial, and the number of "lovers" that the person could have
• They pioneer the marriage's destruction: The wife thinks that the man only wants your body, not to her as person. The husband thinks that the woman doesn't want to have sexual relationships with the that are indifferent and you are tired.
• They consider to the children like an illness: we take medicines or we operate ourselves to avoid them. Since the children are a gift of God, who are we to reject a gift of Him? After the couple had one or two children, a third can be considered an unfortunate error. Being Christian, we know that that you are a bad attitude.
• They degrade the woman: she and your couple are rejecting actively something main in her. The woman's ability to procreate, one of the biggest blessings in your life, transforms into an unacceptable imposition. Since most of the contraceptives should be used by the woman, if they fail and the pregnancy takes place, you are determined that you are "your blame" and you are expected that she "solves your error", in general by means of the abort.
After reading these points, you are not to be surprised that the Church thinks about if you are lawful to continue imparting the sacramental marriage to boyfriends that are consciously certain to use birth-control. The "wife of God" sustains that natural too many methods exist for the prevention of pregnancies like to appeal to the contraception for artificial means.
On the other hand, the Witnesses of Jehová proclaim that in any place of the Bible it is said to the Christian that have the obligation of procreating. God sorted the first human couple and Noé's family: Be "fruitful and make you many and fill the earth", but you didn't repeat such a message to the Christian (Genesis 1:28; 9:1). Therefore, the marriages can decide for themselves if they will have children, how many and when. The Write neither condemn the control of birth rate, for that that from a Biblical point of view, the one that the spouses opt to use a birth-control method that are not abortifacient (since not all they are it) is a personal decision.
According to the Christianity, the sexual relationships inside the marriage had a lawful single objective: the procreation. After this point of view there was a philosophical reasoning instead of biblical that were not based in the divine wisdom but in the human one. Philosophical this concept lasted throughout the centuries and you were expanded by Catholic several theologians. The logical consequence of such a teaching was the notion that the sexual pleasure as end in itself is sinful, and that, therefore, the sexual relationships that exclude the possibilities of the procreation are immoral.
Being been worth of poetic language, the biblical book of Proverbs describes the joy that can be derived of the sexual relationships in the marriage's environment:
You "drink water of your own tank, and spurts that come out of amid your own well. [.] You are blessed your font of waters, and be happy with your youth's wife, a kind cierva and a charming goat montesa. That your own chests intoxicate you at all time. With your love you are constantly (Proverbs 5:15, 18, 19)" in an ecstasy.
Following that exposed according to the Witnesses of Jehová, the sexual relationships among the spouses are a don of God, but the procreation is not your only objective. They also allow to a marriage to be expressed fondness and affection to each other. For that reason if a couple decided to exclude the possibility of a pregnancy by means of some birth-control method, the decision is his and you should not be judged them.
As you he/she can see, polemics on this topic will always have. Personally, I have a very objective and own point of view about my religion. I am Catholic, but you are postures that I don't share. I think that the best thing that one can make, you are to be informed, to know different points of view, and to elaborate a conclusion and an own idea.
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