the National safe-deposit Agency of U.S. on the concealment of those
ovnis and the extraterrestrial reality, sent by the network of Diplomacy
Galáctica of the Physician Richard Boylan on Sunday August 5 2007.
(This information was read and approved by the Physician Wolf before your
"Vatican is very concerned
for all the announcements that you/they come"
"They believe that the humanity is not
prepared for this great knowledge"
"The great announcement has been delayed three times for
fear to religious and economic" repercussions
"Jesús was born of a genetic ET-human union
correspondent to the Earth to put an end to the violence"
"Jimmy Crankcase wanted to put an end to the concealment of the ovnis,
but you threw behind when you knew the religious" implications
"Crankcase began to cry when you found out that the religion
you were an artificial human and only invention of this planet"
"Nasa has played an absolute role
in the concealment of the ovnis to people"
"The picture of the face of Mars was altered
by Nasa to remove you the human" features
"In Spain thousand live extraterrestrial of type
Nordic disguised of European" residents
"Israeli Mosad has very good relationships
with extraterrestrial of Semitic type of Altair"
"Many martian that visit us secretly are
interested tourists in knowing an in arrears" planet
You have been discovered a stellar gate in the great pyramid
that you believe worm holes to any part of the Universe"
"In two secret chambers of Gizeh (Egypt) they were
giant skeletons of more than two meters with big eyes"
"Albert Einstein worked a lot of time with those
extraterrestrial gray that taught you science"
"Carl Sagan denied the extraterrestrial reality because they threatened you with
to cut you the financing of your department in the University of
The secret control's scientists have created energy free of point
zero and cold fusion, but they don't say it so that your economy doesn't collapse
Vatican is specially concerned for the announcements that you/they come.
They have requested to the Control of U.S. that you retain them, especially
in the religious issue, so you have more time so that them you
prepare. The Physician Wolf said that Pope has changed the vision
Catholic on God to adapt to the new revelations. Your future line
you will "Not be we are the image of God but our souls yes they are" it.
The proposals for the great announcement have been delayed three times, due
partly to an incident in 1.975 that stopped the negociations with those
gray, and partly for the religious enormous implications and in the
world economy. The recent accept that life exists in Mars you are the one
I base of future revelations. The Physician Wolf said that you will have
other public revelations soon.
The Physician Wolf spoke a lot with the visitors of the stars on
God and the death. "Our bodies are merely antagonists for the one
soul. When people die, your you become aware you transfer to another dimension
simply. Some martian call to God The Eternal one, the Designer
that you are behind each thing in the Universe. Independently that
human beings, pleyadianos, altarianos or of Zed Retículi, all
we share the same God and therefore all are family. On
Jesús from Nazareth said that he was born of a genetic union
extraterrestrial and human, correspondent to the Earth with the purpose of putting an end to the
human violence.
Jimmy Crankcase was wanting to put an end to the concealment of the ovnis but
you threw you stop behind when they counted you the religious implications of the one
announcement. Crankcase had religious strong beliefs but you broke to
to cry when you found out through the martian that the religion
you are manufactured by the man and that you are probably only in this
So much Ronald Reagan as George Bush father was very informed of the
extraterrestrial reality, especially Bush father when you were boss of
the CIA. Bill Clinton was less informed. He knows the Area 51 but
not S-4. Clinton has high secret but you don't know the levels
higher of information that give access at the level higher of MJ-12 neither to
key information of the extraterrestrial investigation.
A lot of people in the secret services MI-5, MI-6 and SAS is informed
of the extraterrestrial reality. Although the Physician Wolf is reluctant to give
name in Downing Street, when you were in London he was made very friend
of the preservative previous Cabinet and of the Secretary of Defense Sir Malcom
Rifkind "that are very informed of the topic ovni, especially of the ship
triangular, and you believe that the concealment is correct because people not
you are prepared so that they still" count it to him. To the Queen from England
you were informed superficially of the extraterrestrial reality, to the equal
that to Margaret Thatcher, but they only know a petty part of the
Double-crosss of Nasa
Nasa has played an integral role in the concealment of the ovnis.
They have been designated as one of the main organizations for
to count to the world finally the extraterrestrial reality. The recent one
you photograph of the face of Mars that show an image very different from the
previous, you have been faked by Nasa. They believe that the humanity not
you are prepared for this grandiose knowledge. Richard Hoaglan takes
reason regarding the artificial structures observed in Mars and
you confirm that you are bases of the secret control as much in Mars as in the Moon.
In a chamber of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh and in another localised one among
the paws of the Sphinx have been discovered beings' of seven skeletons
peep of high (more than two meters) with big eyes. Your hands and legs
they were chained with silver. For some unknown reason those
first extraterrestrial visitors could not break the silver chains.
You have also been discovered a stellar gate in the Great Pyramid. Those
scientific that have investigated it they believe that you are a lens that he/she believe
worm holes to any part of the Universe. You have not been activated
still. We need to know more envelope a little before this Galaxy and the other ones
of using it, where we want to go and how to get ready. The Physician Wolf
you believe that this will be one of the last projects that will learn to inclination
of our association with the visitors of the stars.
Mental control
The own Physician Wolf was pioneer in creating an expansion process
called mental entry "treatment or threshold." An experiment to open up
the brain and a mode of boosting the neurons allowing trillions of
synapsis or connections to form and to use a mind vastly
enhanced, including the ability to communicate telepathically with those
This mental expansion was developed in a series of experiments of
mental control under the name of MK-ultra project that then was used
wrong to program murderers. The Physician Wolf and your colleagues learned
as to extract or to repress the human memoirs. The last call you
mental castration. These techniques are not as actual as the methods
extraterrestrial. This also led to investigate on the remote vision and
other psychic utilized abilities to spy the enemy during the
cold war. The final result of all these experiments was a
attempt of mental control of the world, a pansy escalofriante.
Hidden repression
U.S. you landed secretly in the Moon before 1.969, in a way not
officer. You were observed the astronauts communicating with extraterrestrial
while they were in the Moon and they were warned that they left the planet.That is the reason for the one which the last commission Apollo was canceled in the one
last second. Some astronauts have died to count the truth, since
the secret control interprets it like a "double-cross."
In this repression hidden, outstanding ufólogos or investigators of the one
phenomenon ovni and cabinet members satellite that are helping
currently to put an end to the concealment they have been destroyed or deleted by means of
devices of energy psicotrónica directed in being able to of the cabal
dark. People like the Physician Steven to Believe and your helping Shari Adamiak, the one
deputy of the Congress Steve Schiff, the Colonel of Aviation Steven
Wilson, the own Physician Michael Wolf, your main director of the CIA and
other more ones have died recently or they suffer a related illness
with the cancer. You seem that you are not a match.
Through genetic experiments the Physician Wolf found that many
human beings that are involved in the ufología, included him same,
they have trademarks or signals of extraterrestrial genes. In fact this
genetics is the one that impel you to be interested in the topic.
The problem is that you are a group of general impotent, xenophobic and
paranoid in charge of the protection of the American skies that
they fear and they hate the martian and that they war against them. The
dark called cabal uses armament of the war of the galaxies,
including a ray of neuter particles to demolish extraterrestrial ships and
to imprison the survivors while they try to extract information
for the force. The own technology that you/they gave us the martian
you are using against them. Rejected by many inside the one
I govern satellite, this cabal also uses aggressive methods against those
that they are about putting an end to the concealment of the ovnis. This aggression you
you are intensifying as you come closer the great announcement.
Tourists galácticos
Many martian that visit the Earth are really tourists.
While we leave vacations to other countries, you are beings
that they visit other worlds. Comparative with most of the planets, the
Earth is almost only with your enormous nature diversity, culture and
inhabitants. The same as you happen with other primitive planets, those
lands are a very popular attraction in the Galaxy.
Some martian prefer to live in underground facilities
so they can control the environment and to accommodate it to your
necessities. They also use electromagnetic shields where those
molecules are so dense that anything can cross them. There still are not
scanned the deep seas or the interior cortexes sufficiently
of the Earth.
The team Alfacom discovered that many aspect martian
human lives currently among us. They can breathe our air
and they seem same that us when they walk down the street. For
example, around about a thousand Nordic types is living in Spain
currently, disguised possibly of conventional tourists or of
European residents.
A visitor of the stars of Nordic type has a face aspect
perfect and very sensitive, blue eyes and generally blond hair,
around about six you peep of high, very clean, without body odor, and you
they communicate mainly for telepathy. But while they are in the Earth
they use a petty box of implanted voice to chat with those
human beings. Your interior organs are very similar to ours,
although your digestive system is different. Not they need to eat every day and your
cells don't die because your genetics is different. They have one
you base on an island of the French Polynesian and they walk freely among your
The martian of Nordic type have powerful minds. The Physician
Wolf said that they can open a dimensional portal through a
bare pansy and to disappear physically. You have seen make this. Them
they live in a much more high plan that us. The pansies are
energy and the Nordic ones use them a pocket device that
you amplify this energy. They also take glasses for the same purpose.
In summarized accounts, these Nordic types have the skin
extremely white, blond (generally long) hair and blue eyes. Those
witnesses usually describe you with a physical athletic contextura and of great
beauty. In general, they are described dressing a monkey of white color or
clear. Who say book credit been in contact with these individuals,
they affirm that they are very intelligent, friendly, worried by the humanity
and in general, entering features in the past associated to those
angels. Another feature, not very outstanding, you are that your eyes would shine in
certain even unascertained circumstances.
Zeds, gray or orange
The first retrieval of an extraterrestrial raylike ship in U.S.
you happened during the year 1.941 in the western sea of San Diego.
Undeleted by Marina, they were inside of gray dead beings
coming from the star Zed Retículi. For that reason they were called zeds or
gray. The ship and the bodies were taken to the Section of Technology
Foreigner of the Air base of Wright-Patterson in Dayton, Ohio, and you were studied
for the Group of Special Studios Retfours. After disassembling the
ship was taken the parts to S4 and Indian Springs in Nevada. This ship
you smashed because the radar pulse invented recently you
you were sampling in the near island Tinian, located to three miles to the one
south / Southwest of Saipán. From then on American Marina has maintained
a position of leadership in ovnis issue.
The accident of Roswell during July of 1.947 happened indeed, and
the report in the Corsican Colonel's book, "The day after Roswell"
you are exact. The Physician Wolf had in your power the official list of the one
you have an accident. The autopsy of the martian of color orange revealed one
head black very big, big eyes without iris neither targets, six fingers in
the hands and in the feet. Your brain had four lobes and you are more
developed and wired without the callous body of the humans. Your globes
optical and your ledges were different and they had a digestive system like
a sponge. One of the manning ones was I live.
You are different types of gray. The Physician Wolf worked with gray
highly evolved that they had legal capacities, - contrarily to the
current opinion - and even sense of humor. The Physician Wolf never found
a gray one that displeased you. For him, they were your family. These gray ones
they enjoyed hugging and kissing to the human beings. This displeased to
some of your colder colleagues. To one he/she was nicknamed smooching" "face.
Your plain and soft bodies seemed to the tact like the skin of a dolphin.
He communicated with these martian through the telepathy. The
Physician Wolf became specially friendly with one called Kohtla. One
image of this gray one is in the front cover of your book, one
you photograph true taken by a friend Admiral.
You are an enabled commerce between the gray ones and the oranges the Physician you said
Wolf. "The commerce has a different meaning for those
extraterrestrial. They share knowledge like technology and philosophy, and they send
to your people to the planet of another to learn your culture."
The Physician Wolf has chatted with extraterrestrial of human aspect of
the systems of Pléyades and Altair, nicknamed Nordic and Semitic
respectively. The Physician Wolf explained that they are very spiritual people
and they act as advisors galácticos. A picture of a friend
called pleyadiano Sa Ra adorns the back cover of the cover of your book.
Serious incident
In May of 1975 it happened a petty malentendido among gray and beings
human in S4. During a demonstration of a petty reactor
antimatter, the boss of the martian requested to the guards, soldered of
blue beret that you/they removed your bullets and rifles of the room. One
safe-deposit diligence so these weapons were not downloaded
accidentally during the energy emissions. The guards refused and in the
resulting shock a blue beret opened fire and you killed to a gray one. Dos
scientific and 41 military they were deleted then. You were allowed to live
to a guard who testified that the gray ones used against them
a form of mental directed energy as self-defense.
A number of scientists that he/she work currently for the control
satellite was kidnapped by the gray ones when they were children, so you
you could raise your intelligence and your capacity general cerebral comno
preparedness for the future work. They are hybrid.
The Physician's first important commission Wolf was to work together with
Carl Sagan and other high ones scientific, to understand the complications
of an enormous lighthouse or buoy nicknamed martian The Monolith that you
you discovered floating in the space for the Russian cosmonaut for the first time
Yuri Gagarin and American Alan Shephard during 1961. You recovered
at the end for the investigation in 1927. The Physician Wolf described it
as post cards of the edge of the space. The Monolith emitted so much
light like shade signals in a mathematical language. When closing the eyes,
when one concentrates on these signals, leave in the eye of the mind one
three-dimensional movie of the Galaxy, but being present there
really like part of this movie. "The images that are come today in the one
telescope Hubble is the same ones that I saw 25 years" ago, the Physician said
Wolf who added that you are many monoliths in the space and they were
designed by a group of the stars' races.
Carl Sagan denied the extraterrestrial reality insistently because of
your superiors that you/they threatened you to cut the financing of your
department in the University of Cornell without you left the tongue.
Genetic experiments
The Physician Wolf was involved in genetic diverse experiments, one
of which he/she called you the Project Sentry. After
to perfect technical of shotgun technique in animals, the Physician Wolf and your associates
they created with success a human being called artificially intelligent "Omega
of Type J." Your superiors wanted a soldier superbrillante and
superpoderoso that followed the commands without fear and without rechistar. But the one
Physician Wolf programmed ethics underhandedly in your intelligence, after
to realize that the Type J had a soul. When this being denied to
to kill a defenseless dog, your superiors sorted your deletion. In
place of it, the Physician Wolf released to the Omega of Type J. This being
intelligent you live currently in some place of U.S.
MJ-12 exists and now he/she has 36 members. The Physician Wolf was reticent
to disclose names although you confirmed that the current Secretary of State
of U.S. Henry Kissinger and the father of the bomb of hydrogen Edward
Teller is current members of this group that meet periodically
in secret diverse locations including Batelle Brief
Institute in Columbus, Ohio. Majestic 12 (abbreviated as MJ-12 or MJ-XII) are the one
you name in key of a secret board formed in 1947 first floor the address
of the American chairman Harry S. Truman, to investigate the
activity ovni.
Project Sentry
The Project Sentry involved the intimate association with the gray ones.
The martian have an enormous knowledge on genetics that were
essential for the success of this project. J Omega grew in a tank of
you dilute from an embryo. You leave of the utilized DNA Wolf you came from the Physician,
that your son considered it. One year you were required exactly before
you were prepared to be wakened up. The Physician Wolf said that when
you were taken out of the tank you seemed to have a twenty year-old age.
When you woke up you were as a dog puppy with your blank mind. Him
you asked question after question. You wanted to know everything. The Physician Wolf him
you showed your movies you have more than enough wars and last conflicts of the earth. Him
you cried when you saw those horrible images. "In retrospective, I showed you
too much." You learned different several languages and you could use the half
of your brain, contrary to the grouper ten percent taken advantage by those
normal human beings. When your mental abilities were sampled your
intelligence rate you came out of all the scales. Your
relate they were as father and son.
Livestock mutilations
Picking up tissues of animals, through the calls mutilations
of livestock, you are to produce organic tissues, you leave specialized of
a cell that you/they seem and they work as an organ that you/they are been able to
to arrange in human beings to filter pollutants of the air, you dilute, food,
etc. The current experimentation is carrying out you have more than enough beings
hybrid, you leave Zed and human, or "intermediate" part as the flame the one
Physician Wolf.
These organic tissues can also be used to alter those
hormones of the body and to change the precursors in the brain to be
toxics to nontoxic. "These cells are tiny and they are not a
invasive procedure. The genetics of the livestock is very similar to that of the beings
When the Physician's superiors Wolf sorted the deletion of J.
Omega, with the help of a General friend, he passed it undercover outside
of the Area 51. I "felt as a sin to create a being with emotions and a soul,
and then to send it to the battle. J. you are safe and well. They were arranged
organic several tissues in your body to maintain you free of
illnesses. "He knows who you are and how you were created. J. you are almost identical to any
human being and you could pass a physician-examination easily. The Zeds
they were satisfied with the result. J. you told me that you wanted to be made
professor. The Physician Wolf believes that this was a deleted project. I told "you that
you never entered in contact with me because you are too dangerous."
The stars' visitors
Currently they are visiting one another different confederations different from
extraterrestrial. They include the consistent alliance in beings of
human aspect of the stellar systems Pléyades and Altair Aquila, the
corporation made up of gray diverse races of the system of Zed Retículi,
the Federation of Worlds that include a non specified number of
extraterrestrial different groups of the universe, and the races together of Orión
made up of beings' of that stellar system diverse types. These
confederations intervinculadas are respectively.
In a treaty signed by the Corporation, you are a very secret decision
of United Nations that he/she settle down that you are not allowed to any Zed to go for a walk
among the public and being seen by them. Unfortunately Kolta, the One
gray friend of the Physician Wolf was tiroteado for a soldier in a field
forbidden. He found the gray wounded hidden in your apartment. "I hid
to Kolta in my bedroom minutes before they appeared in my gate
members of the CIA. I got ready them to act innocently and those
I sent outside." The Physician Wolf called to a friend that knew to these
extraterrestrial and we get ready them to save the life of Kolta. The lead is
toxic for the zeds so he had died from poisoning
of lead or saturniasis of the bullet and not of the actual" wound.
It can be treated the AIDS
You are correct the Physician's published investigation Strecker that
you identified to the virus of the AIDS HIV like an artificial virus manufactured by the one
man. The control satellite has discovered that the viruses are crystalline
in your structure and that they can be destroyed using the easily
correct frequency.
The Control of U.S. you had in your power to a gray one - nicknamed "entity
biologic extraterrestrial" - from the year 1948 until your death in 1953. Those
scientists used images like communication form initially.
Albert Einstein worked with the gray ones that taught you part of your
Some martian eat vegetation from time to time, fruits or
vegetables. Your digestive systems are much more efficient that those
our, since absorb and they process the foods completely. Them
they absorb the energy of the air mainly. Not they need to go to the room of
bathroom, since they don't defecate neither they urinate.
The Earth is one of the few planet that don't control your climate. This is
one of the reasons of the accidents of extraterrestrial ships during
meteorological extreme status, especially the ionospheric storms of
rays. Your ships are not different from our ships in an ionospheric storm
violent, balancing in the water on rolling big waves of
graveness. To counteract these difficulties, some martian surround
your ships with energy of plasma or flight interdimensional through
an ionospheric storm.
A planet is an alive entity with your own conscience. Those
martian are in communion with your planet to create a relationship
harmonious. "In some planets buildings of pure silicona grow for those
inhabitants as something of unconditional love. I have seen and played this
silicona. I also witnessed to zeds communicating with the earth."
The martian are surprised by the bad thing that we treat the
Earth. Not they can understand why we want to destroy it. How those
multinationals can swindle continually to this planet through the
you covet and the avarice. One of the commissions of the Team Alfacom is
to determine if we can use extraterrestrial technology to restore the
Earth to your natural previous pristine balancing state.
The technology won secretly of the martian includes leds,
superconductors, computer microcircuits, fiber optic, laser,
gene therapy, shotgun technique, teams of night vision, seal technology
for invisible airplanes, rays of particles, aerospace ceramic, and
control of graveness in flight.
The martian like many things the human beings to
to weigh of our bugs. They love our great one especially
imagination and creativity, together with our ability of being sleepy
deep, but they would like to accelerate our spiritual evolution.
Public exhibition
During one afternoon in 1990 an extraterrestrial ship, escorted by hunts
F-16, landed in Puerto Rico, in a tourist populated area. They exitted
the manning ones extraterrestrial and they walked among the population. You were a
financial year to sample the public's reaction. The Commandant of this
island wrote a letter to Bush declaring "at the beginning we have a good time for
all the avistamientos, but then people ended up being broken-hearted.
What do I tell to them?" The President passed this communication to the Physician
Wolf. Elbow was sealed with the words T52-Exempt that mean that
one never can desclasificar this letter.
The Physician Wolf discovered a new theory of particle duality of
wave that were developed later in a ray of neuter particle. Wolf
you commented that you hoped this theory was used to cure the cancer in
place of like weapon for the military programa of strategic initiative
of defense of "the war of the galaxies."
The martian counted you that all the worlds in the Galaxy
they are wired and that an atomic bomb of Hiroshima can affect to each
different culture. They also explained to you that the pansy is energy
and one can receive in other worlds because you are not barrier galáctica.
Visiting Semite
The service of Israeli intelligence Mosad has very good relationships
with the martian, especially with those of race Semite, since
you are a historical strong association with the country.
Chris crankcase, the designer of the Records X has encounters
regular with cabinet members satellite from U.S. Some of your reports
they are based on actual facts as the Project Sentry.
The airplane secret space Dawn works with liquid methane and
antigravity aboard. You also take a system of pulse weapons
electromagnetic that could leave outside of combat the tracking for radar. This airplane
it can also travel to the Moon.
Some military pilots are experiencing with mental control for
to steer advance airplanes. Some extraterrestrial ships are
alive conveyers that can be divided and to reform. These ships also
they respond to commands for the pansy.
Area 51
The underground base of the Area 51 are an enhanced city, of the size of
the Island Rodhe that continue growing and you have a base you mate call
S4, to some twelve miles of distance, and another call Indian Springs.
You use at hundred of civil and military, and you have at least eight
you program blacks in march, together with an annual budget of two millions of
dollars. You are an intense surety you were, with martial law inside of and you are
patrolled by elite guardians.
Some scientists live in the base during six followed months.
Although your bedrooms are alcoholatura, the martian live in your own ones
deluxe apartments gorgeously designed. You are also areas
commercial, spread of military style and leisure areas that include
gyms, pools and basketball patios. The food is excellent.
The control's satellite scientists have created with success energy of
base address and cold fusion, but those of up they think that you should be made
a soft transition to these new sciences, because otherwise
the world (your selfish economy) economy would be ruined.
The stars' visitors' conventional Tipologías
Nordic.- Prospective martian of human appearance, but
described of extremely white skin, blond (generally long) hair and
of blue eyes. The witnesses usually describe you with a contextura
athletic physics and of great beauty. In general, they are described dressing
a monkey of white or clear color. Who say book credit been in
I contact with these individuals, they affirm that they are very intelligent, friendly,
worried by the humanity and in general, entering features
in the past associated to the angels. Another feature, not very outstanding, you are
that your eyes would shine in certain even unascertained circumstances.
Giants.- These beings usually describe human practically same aseres, but entering some remarkable differences, in many
cases these martian would have the extremely white skin, hair
very black and black eyes or of very dark, deep color. You are said that
your stature average varies among 2,5m at 3m of height. The believers
they believe that you are evidence of your existence in the paints rupestres where
they are much more high represented humanoides that the men
normal, in some represented cases with a triangular and big torso
heads that some cheer up to say that they could be headphoneses and suits
space. And some end up associating this tipología with those
biblical descriptions of the "Giants" or "Nephilim."
Gray.- The gray ones are the more communio described tipología associated to the one
supposed phenomenon of the extraterrestrial Abduction. They usually describe them of
on or about from 90 to 150 cm of height; skin of gray color (of there the
denomination made by the ufólogos), with big heads, arms and
thin legs, some black big, oval eyes, and one shows off they are
highly intelligent. According to the descriptions of those who say book credit
state in contact with them, these individuals would not express any type
of emotion or feeling. The descriptions agree with the one
I stereotype (very enhanced and old, in spite of being dummy) that the advance
technological you would impact in the evolution, and you would produce beings with enormous brains
and brittle bodies whose intellect would have deleted any appearance of
instinct or humanity.
Zoomórficos.- Infants that are described like a mixture of features
humanoides and of terrestrial animals. The most common descriptions are the
of the reptiloides. Your aspect can be family since they have
been represented in more than an occasion in books, series or movies.
In all they have been associated with malignant activities, either
invasion, abduction of human beings or animals to feed or devastation
of the petitions.
As for the "reptilianos", the enormous legal age of the reports
they come from the United States, being practically null the avistajes of
reptilianos in other countries. A supposed infant very famous associate
to this type of extraterrestrial, you are the chupacabras. You are said that these
beings feed of the blood of the livestock. Also, the prospective witnesses
they usually describe to beings of petty size, with long eyeteeth, wings
and similar body to that of a dog. Some ufólogos doesn't consider the one
chupacabras like a martian, but like an animal specie even not
discovered by the science.
"Xenomórficos."- Here the descriptions that surpass any fall
similarity with terrestrial infants: you figure hazy, ameboides,
vegetables, minerals, etc. You are less communio martian type that
the supposed witnesses mention.
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