
The love scientifically

Loving obsession
What do you search in a couple? (Besides a spectacular rear)
Forget the rules to manage a relationship!
"Person's type that search emotions is prone to fall in love."

What do you feel when being in love? To many people it beats you strong the heart, they sweat you the hands, they cannot eat neither to sleep, and the whole time spends thinking of that so special person. You are as if the love was a state that have your own symptoms, and many scientists have begun to study why they happen these symptoms.

Dr. Love
"The great legal age of people knows what feel when being in love, exactly Dra you say. Helen Fisher, an anthropologist of the University of Rutgers and expert in the topic of the love. Your new book, Why We Love (why we love), analyzes this process from a scientific perspective.

The scientists as Fisher have studied the process of the love to determine what happen in our brains exactly. They have discovered chemical substances that cause all type of reactions, from ecstasy until attachment, and they identified three different modes in those that people are related with your couples: I want, love and attachment.

In what concern to the desire, the feeling of carnal appetite for another person. the chemical responsible substance is the testosterone. Although you generally associate the testosterone with the men, Dra. Fisher points out that as much the women as the men have high levels of testosterone when they are attracted by somebody. If at some time you felt an irresistible desire to play somebody, you are possible that the testosterone is the responsible one.

The following stage, the romantic love, is what most of people imagine when they think of the love in general. When raising the level of certain substances called chemical dopamine and noradrenaline takes place the exaltation sensation and ecstasy that many of us feel when starting a new relationship.

Although to be of boyfriend doesn't seem to have much in common with certain sports that they involve such adventure as surfing or mountaineering, the goods on the brain are similar. people feel full with energy, excited, in the summit of the world. The love is touching, and person's type that search emotions is prone to fall in love, Dra says. Fisher.

But not all are so delighted to venture. "Not there is doubt in this respect, some people fall in love followed than other, Dra says. Fisher. You depend on the legal capacity, perspective and last tests. "If one raisin for such a painful test that you leave you thinking 'nevermore, you will take much more time [in falling in love again]," Dra says. Fisher. To trust your couple is very important, because you are that what allow to communicate honestly.

The final stage of the love is the attachment. You are when two people decide to cohabit long term and they have found a level of comfort the one with the other one that sustain your romantic feelings.

If you are wondering how to take your relationship at this level, Dra. Fisher has some ideas: "Make things outside of the routine." The novelty impels the dopamine levels and other elements in the brain, she says. These other elements include the substance chemical oxytocin, a soothing substance that he/she help to that a person sits down attachment for the other one. The physical contact is it you make that the oxytocin levels increase. "Even when you make massages to another person, they go up the oxytocin levels, Dra explains. Fisher.

Making that you work
Now that you have learned on the science of the love, you can take a moment to return to the alcoholatura thing. The physical contact as to take by the hand and to be hugged can deepen the link with your couple. Dra. Fisher also makes stress in the importance of being open and I am honest. "You are about sharing secrets with your couple, she says. To have good memories together and to learn how to discuss in a constructive way, they are other good ways to achieve a durable love. Therefore, if you trust your couple, you open your heart. Your brain will enter in share.

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