Why the intervention?
This surgery has bigger accept and broadcast day by day for your excellent results, and a growing number of women they are requesting it to improve your intimate sensation and to improve the aspect of your extraneous genital. Many women that request this surgery consider that to reduce the size or the form of your vagina or genital extraneous organs allow that, as much them as your couples, reach the sexual complete satisfaction.
Techniques employees
The commonly requested procedures are reduction in value of lips (vulvoplastia or labioplastia) and operations of reduction in value of the vaginal (vaginoplastia) channel. Other procedures include the lipoescultura of the Mount of Venus, the reinjección of fat in the biggest lips to rejuvenate them and to give a younger aspect to these areas, retirement or reduction in value of the skin around the clitoris to improve sensibility of the clitoris, and the reconstruction of the hymen for cultural reasons.
The reduction in value of Labial is technical designed to diminish the size and the grade of protuberance of the lips smaller than (interior) the vagina. The most communio reason so that the women request this operation you are because the lips are too big and not very aesthetic. Some women indicate that the enhanced size of your lips makes them more patent with wrapped clothes or they feel nuisances making such sports as the cycling. A considerable number also manifests difficulty in the penetration.
The procedure is relatively bare, deleting an area of the lips by means of a variety of incisions and it can be realized with local anaesthesia. The precise location of the scar is very important to prevent the retraction of the scar throughout the edge of the lips.
The adjusting vaginal operations are requested by some women that are felt that your vagina has been too comprehensive after childbirth or with age, being at once in little satisfaction sexual so much own as of your couple. The procedure is carried out by means of the allocation of sutures in the introito together with the resection of the excess of vaginal mucosa and the wrap of the muscles of the vaginal later wall.
You anesthetize
The procedure is realized generally low you anesthetize peridural or general for specialist gynecologists.
Lipoescultura of the Mount of Venus can be an isolated procedure or to be carried out conjointly with the lipoescultura of the abdomen or of the thighs. The aspect of the Mount of Venus is enhanced improving your definition.
In contrast, the injections of fat of the Mount of Venus or the biggest lips fill these structures, giving you a younger aspect.
The retirement of the cuff of the skin around the clitoris, is carried out to expose the clitoris and to make it more sensitive. However, you are little information on result, since the perception of the difference is very variable of patient to patient.
As with many aspects of the human anatomy, you are a comprehensive variety in ways, sizes and aspects of the genital feminine organs that are inside the borders of the normal thing. Before experiencing any surgery, you are important to determine if you are really a problem with the genital organs or if another solution would be more recommended.
During the first 5 or 6 weeks are contraindicated the sexual relationships, and to the end of 10 days the wound is usually healed.
Am I good candidate for a vaginal rejuvenecimiento?
The women that can end up developing a forfeiture of the vaginal shade after the pregnancies or with the age they are appropriate to be practiced this surgery. The constriction of the vagina or vaginal reduction in value, it can also be indicated in menopausal women, or that they have suffered uterus cancer. Also the patients that suffer from involuntary forfeiture of urination when coughing, to sneeze, to laugh, to exercise or when having sexual relationships, they are good candidates being able to correct your urinary incontinence and at the same time to improve and to "raise the sexual" bonus.
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