Pharmacological: Inside the conventional treatments, the most habitual medicines are the antidepression medications and the tranquilizers. They control the anxious symptomatology that lock to the affected one. Nevertheless, your side effects, (addiction, losses in the carefulness, reduction in value in the answer capacity, among other) impede long treatments and they should unite with parallel therapies, since the dependence doesn't make másque worsen the box.
Psicoterapéutico: I develop of programas individualized to manage the anxiety in front of that feared. By means of the dialogue and of the custom management consultation it is the phobia keeping in mind that what maintain it is to escape from the object or of the feared status.
Therapy of behavior modification: You become trained to the affected one to have less fear, inculcating you more appropriate behavior forms.
Psychoanalysis: Theory based on the analysis of the subconscious one that nowadays all with diverse schools. The psychoanalyst should be a properly formed, supervised expert and authorized by a domestic corporation or international officer.
Acupuncture: Inside the most up-to-date therapies we find the acupuncture to heal this illness. You work on the kidney (I center of the fear) and the Spleen (I center of the anxiety).
Biodanza: Very utilized treatment in the current period. Mediating relaxation the dance.
Flores of Bach: Made up of a total of 38 floral essences with curative starts.
Gestalt: Analysis of the expression emocinal.
Natural psychotherapy: You merge relaxation, medicine vibracional, homeopathy, iridology and massage.
Virtual reality: The simulation faces the patient to your fears. The first tests date of 1995, in United States, and they seem to be actual in the agoraphobia and other specific phobias.
Rebirthing: Relaxation, respiration and movement.
Shiatsu: Japanese Digitopuntura.
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