
Allergy or irritation to the eyes?

Many children complain of itching, tearing or discomfort in your eyes. Faced with these symptoms vague and unspecific, very often their papas not resist the temptation to administer drops.

Usually the relief is spectacular and the symptoms disappear. But this solution is not as simple as it sounds, since many eye drops containing corticoldes and can exacerbate a viral infection corneana or cause glaucoma; also trigger an infectious process more complicated.

It is for this reason that you never have to use eye-drops in an indiscriminate manner, at least not without first consulting with the pediatrician or ophthalmologist if the picture is complicated.
Meanwhile, and until able to consult with your pediatrician, you can use the eye with bathrooms shared tea or chamomile tea, which is an excellent anti-inflammatory and nonallergenic.

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