
Changes in puberty in adolescents

The age of great change. Puberty, a period of change, is a particularly difficult stage for the kids. The more parents know the subject, may better understand their children.

Have left childhood, but they still have a long and sometimes difficult path to reach maturity. They are in full time physical, mental and emotional. The male and female hormones, which are necessary for children to become men and women, operating at full capacity. Her body is transformed, and often are not sufficiently prepared for this.

Starting the way:
The onset of puberty varies between eleven and thirteen years in girls and thirteen and fifteen in children. In these, the first sign is the growth of the breasts and the appearance of pubic hair. A little later, at about twelve, the majority have their first menstruation, or menarche.

At this early stage is ladies in the so-called estirón, characteristic of puberty. The result is the typical image of the gawky and awkward teenager who
gives the impression of not knowing what to do with his arms and legs, too big for the rest of the body.
The boys enter puberty between one and two years later than them.

First they grow testes and penis, and you see the pubic hair. Then will come the first voice changes, the first spontaneous ejaculations, especially during sleep and, later, the development of the beard.
Many of them are affected in this age acne, which is responsible for testosterone. This male hormone stimulates the sebaceous glands of the skin and makes the hair is always greasy and face full of granite.

Development plan:
These figures are purely indicative, since puberty passes in each child differently. In most cases, the onset of adolescence depends on hereditary predisposition. Thus, parents worried because her daughter fourteen years is the only of its kind that is not the rule, should try to remember: They probably also had a late development.

But when a child's development differs totally from the normal periods, it is possible that something is not right. Psychological problems, family problems or even a rejection of becoming a larger, making the process can not start or interrupted abruptly. It also depends on health. A serious illness in children late, sometimes change.

Another reason may be the sport. The intensive training, we refer to competitive sport involves a stress-so great that often directly affects children's development.

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