
Burns in children and INSOL

A full sun
The skin of children is very sensitive to the sun's rays. So in summer and on the beach, there is nothing better than an umbrella and T-shirt. In addition we must apply every two hours, a sunscreen product with high-protection factor of 6 to 8, children over two years, and 12 to 15, for the babies.

Sunburn: always happen by overexposure to the sun. Cause skin rashes, itching and pain. Faced with a slight burn, the first thing you should do is to cool the damaged skin with a soft sponge or cold compresses, and then applying a special moisturizing lotion to alleviate the effects of the sun, in other words, after a sun. Never fat creams or oils.

The most serious burns acquire a red-violet, produce blisters, pain and fever. If the child is big, you can apply an ointment specifically for sunburn and let it heal on the air. When the boy is small, it should go to the doctor. Should drink plenty of fluids to rehydrate the skin.

Insolaciones: Heat stroke is more serious than the burn. Is also produced by passing too many hours in the sun without protection. Your symptoms may include: skin red, dry, hot, or pallor, exhaustion, cold sweat and headaches, dizziness, vomiting ... In this case we must act immediately transferred to the child in the shade, a cool, airy and loose clothing.

If you are pale, we have to put your head lower than his feet, and if it is red, put it in elevated position on a cushion. Fan and applied wet towels for the temperature to fall. At the same time, offer liquids: no ice-cold water with salt, lemon and sugar. It should alert the doctor.

Heat exhaustion: It is different from heatstroke or burn, but so has the sun. Its symptoms include redness of the skin, which in turn is humid and very hot, fever, headache, stunning and, sometimes, dizziness and delirium.

When introduced, and while the doctor comes, the most urgent task is to lower body temperature, submerging the child in warm water and then wrapping it in a blanket or wet towel until the fever down.

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