
The crisis of puberty

Normally, the body changes experienced by children during puberty usually elapse of a completely normal way. However, it is the emotional ups and downs caused by this development which more headaches to give young people and, of course, to their parents.

Teenagers can be very "difficult". The changes in their bodies makes them feel insecure and confused. Showing irritable, withdrawn, and suffered continuous ups and downs of humor.

However, sometimes the problem is not the kids, but in the reactions of adults. Some parents become unsafe before the arrival of adolescence for their children and see them as some rivals within the home. Instead of taking into account their views, they want to maintain their own decision-making power.

This attitude does not help at all. It is preferable to be more open, showing more interest in them by the clothes they like, for his friends ... And this is not suddenly get to hear rock music all day, but to show more sympathy for their interests and their hobbies. In families in which there is really a dialogue, parents and children living puberty smoothly.

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