
The first menstruation

The first is called menarche and menstruation occurs during the development of advanced process of puberty. He also agreed with the advanced stages of breast development, a simultaneous slowdown in the pace of growth.

The maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, regulates and controls body growth hormone route, the secondary sexual characters: breast development, the appearance of hair and axillary pubiano, and the distribution of body fat.

The term sexual maturation is defined as the set of morphological and physiological changes that take place during puberty.

Conforms an adult body capable of procreation. To check the normality of this process, we evaluated the menarche and the development of secondary sexual characters, with the parameters of weight and stature, and with the size of muscle mass.

During this period, the womb of the teenager already has a similar size to that of a woman, but this is not related to the onset of fertility, which happens in the next two years.

The first menstrual cycles tend to be anovulatory, ie, the ovary does not release eggs can be fertilized.

The first menstrual cycles are irregular, since the hormone system has not yet fully matured. The regularity will be established within three years of menarche.

In 15% of the cases, the alterations persist and need to be studied for further treatment.

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