
How to prevent a heart attack

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world after 35 years. Within these, acute myocardial infarction occupies a prominent place.

We offer advice to the principal, since childhood, can prevent this serious problem.

- Childhood obesity for example, must be treated with equal or greater concern than in adults. Like them, is also seeing children in cases of Type II diabetes, cholesterol and hypertension. Not corrected them in due course, there will be havoc on the future of small.
Today we are facing a global epidemic of obesity, and people have not taken a real awareness about the seriousness of this matter.
With the proper treatment of obesity, most of the time everything is normalized, while not necessary to continue with many of the medications.

- Hypertension is another important point. Eating a healthy and proper diets in which the predominant vegetable and fruits, milk, lean red or white meat, water, and the practice of aerobic exercise (such as walking, swimming or biking), favored treatment asymptomatic disease.

- Diabetes. We refer to the non-insulin dependent diabetes, or adult, which we began to see from the approximately 50 years of age, and also associated with obesity.
The pancreas is an organ that secretes a hormone called insulin, to which among other things, encourages the entry of carbohydrates to the body's cells. But the capital of insulin that owns the pancreas is not infinite and over time can manifest itself with impaired fasting glycemia, helping to determine a state of pre-diabetes or insulin resistance.
This is due to make a proper diet and of course, exercise.

- Cholesterol. The high cholesterol levels, is without doubt one of the most terrible risk factors. Such as diabetes, but is seen in obese patients, can also be seen in patients with normal weight or thin people on. Here is a basic diet low in fat and physical exercise, in addition to the medication which, of course, provide the doctor.

- Smoking is another factor contributing to this problem. Smoking causes repeated increases in blood pressure. Nicotine is vasoconstriction and adrenergic stimulant.
Carbon monoxide causes endothelial dysfunction (this is in the inner layer of the arteries) smoking antagonisa the therapeutic effect of some antihypertensive drugs.

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