
Pleasure without studying as therapy!

Banned study
During the school year, our children remain seated at least eight hours a day and his day is regulated from morning until night. Luckily, there are holidays! Although having to recover some unfinished business, at least two or three weeks should be free of all concerns intellectuals. This applies especially to the time of the holiday with their parents.

In many cases, disorders such as nail biting or bedwetting disappear as if by magic after a holiday happy and relaxed. Incidentally, outdoor activities (especially swimming and walking barefoot), prevent the defects of posture and deformations of the spine that precisely because so many children suffer in their daily lives are moving too little.

In this sense, the holiday can be a real family therapy, but only if we all forget-if only for a few days-school and engaged fully to have fun, without a preconceived agenda and without obligations. And who despite all talk of the college, pay their lack inviting with an ice cream!

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