
What is an ultrasound?

The ultrasound technique is based on the transmission and reception of sound waves, ultrasound is reflected in the tissues and are then recorded and projected on a screen. Its introduction is due to a Spanish doctor, Ian Donald, who in 1965 explored for the first time a pregnant by this method. Its use is not widespread until a few years later, as it was feared that their effects on pregnant women and their children were harmful.

Once it was found that their total safety, began to be used on a regular basis. At first, the equipment used were very rudimentary and great complexity of management. We had to go past the ultrasound on the belly of the mother plenty of times, until a static image, based on points, a sort of Polaroid picture where it was difficult to identify the fetus.

The breakthrough came in 1980, only then will be able to scan in real time, the movement live. It was like going from photography to film. Later came the high-resolution image, making a total sharpness. In this way, ultrasound has become an invaluable component of medical management and also a powerful "reassuring" for parents, who can see his future son almost like on TV.

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