
Why are starting to smoke?

Many parents do this question when they discover that her son had started smoking. Sometimes, it is the lure of the forbidden what about the kids to snuff, others, the need to belong to a group. Every age has a different reason and it is important to know it.

Finding out that her son had started smoking is a bitter drink for most parents. In general, is something I dislike them a lot and try to prevent by all means. But it is very interesting to know what are the motivations, needs and desires that have pushed the youngsters to smoke.

Between 10 and 11 years boys pass through the stage of revulsion. At this age are very hostile to snuff; fear for the lives of their parents' smoking and even fear for their own health: "When you smoke I breathe the smoke." They claim that never fumarán and often become real "anti-tobacco activists." They try as much as possible from their parents and other adults to stop vice, and if someone offers you a cigarette, it strongly rejects.

From 11 to 13 years passing through the era and the first ciagarrulo even those who are not smokers later come to prove it. The lure of the forbidden reinforces the desire. In the girls often linked to a quest for female identity, of feeling big. In men is a matter of bravery, courage and defiance.

From 13 to 15 years appears the urge to smoke because they belong to a group: the age of true "passage of smoking" and the separation between smokers and nonsmokers. In this era has much influence the bar and the group of friends: the greatest invite more kids to smoke. It is a stretch in which smoking is felt as something unpleasant but at the same time. It is not yet smoke for pleasure but for appearance.

After 15 years the interest in the group or by the bar is declining and also decreases the need to show himself to be a man or a woman. Now the pleasure of smoking is the primary motivation. Some are made aware of the process of deciding who are the victims and leave the gear, which is not the case without penalty and pain, and only after an effort of reflection and encounter with themselves.

The possibilities for the kids to become smokers are greater if parents are. But they also depend on the attitude of those parents, beyond that are smokers or not: If you are authoritarian or repressive and insist at all costs to "prohibit" their children smoking, the risk that kids from smoking is much higher.

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