
Aspirin: a reign of more than 100 years

It was in the nineteenth century was born when this medicine. Its inventor, a German chemist and pharmacist named Felix Hoffman, came to him after a series of investigations aimed at finding something to calm the pain of his father, who was suffering from rheumatism. Thus, in 1897, arrived at the famous acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).
However, when taken one, we must remember that:

■ It should do so in the midst of a meal. Thus, it is less aggressive to the stomach. Otherwise, it may appeal to those pharmaceutical formulations that contain protective stomach.

■ For oral route may be chosen in different forms (powder, effervescent, chewing ...) Its effects vary depending on the dose: in the adult, 1 gram
daily acts against the pain of medium intensity. Between 1 and 2 g combat fever, and between 3 and 3.5 g has an anti-inflammatory action and medicines. (These doses must be taken under strict medical supervision).

■ Some of the symptoms presented by the overdose of this drug are redness of the ears, visual, vomiting, dizziness ... Aspirin poisoning is especially dangerous in infants and young children.

■ Aspirin should not be affordable for the kids. Especially because the infant formula are sugary and they can be mistaken for a snack.

■ The effervescent formulas have less risk of poisoning, given that one of its components is the salt. However, when there are kids at home, we must also save them locked up.

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