The child inherits about 50 percent of the genetic heritage of their parents. Most of the biological characteristics, height, eye color and hair, the shape of hands, longevity, disease resistance, ..., are broadcast in hereditary form.
Often, these characters are controlled by many genes. This explains the range of colors that can present their eyes, the diversity of stature, the various skin tones, the almost infinite variety of hair color, and so on.
Some qualities are transmitted with predominance: black or dark hair is imposed on the clear, blond or reddish; hair curled due to Lazio; dark skin tone prevails over the white, the eyes of prevails over round ... It is also the dominant presence of the pits on the cheeks or the chin.
In the shape of your head, rounded or oval, usually a clear distinctive family, influence such other factors as the position of the baby in the womb during pregnancy. The stature upward. In the event that both parents are high, their descendants, to be sure, it will be even more.
There is a 50 percent chance of transmitting the sons baldness, and being hairy, especially in hands and fingers, dominates the absence of hair.
In their eyes, the color blue brings everything to lose. For example, if the genes of the mother have the quality to pass the blue color of the eyes, and the father, the brown color, all children will have brown eyes (a dominant gene).
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