
Genitalia, easy remedies

Men tend to have, more often than the girls, problems in their genitals. The phimosis (inability to bring down completely the foreskin) is a normal until age that can vary between nine months and three years.

Only if it is charged (the foreskin is closed) is required circumcision, which can be made at any time during childhood, and it is very simple. If after birth, the testicles (which are formed in the abdomen during pregnancy) have not fallen to the bags of the scrotum, it is necessary that the child be seen by a urologist.

The disorder, known as cryptorchidism, is treated with hormones. In the event of did not get results with this therapy, it is necessary to resort to surgery before the child reaches six years.
The size too big for one or both testicles is a symptom of hydrocele.

It consists of an accumulation of fluid between the layers that surround the testicle, under the skin of the scrotum. Not badly, and often resolved only in the first few months. If after this date the hydrocele does not go away and change in size, it is likely that in the future, this fluid is removed. But without haste and without fear: the operation is easy, and the boy recovers soon.

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