
Jaundice, it is almost always normal

Between 40 and 50 per cent of all newborns have jaundice, a condition that gives a yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes and sets. This occurs at a higher level of bilirubin in the blood, and in most infants affected the figures did not exceed 15 mg per 100 mi.

Typically at this age is to have 100 ml by 2 ml, so some doctors see it as a variant of normal and branded as physiological jaundice. This refers alone. If the bilirubin level is higher, it is considered that there is a pathologic jaundice, usually caused by a blood group incompatibility.

Depending on the intensity of the disorder, treatment involves exposing a child to the sun's rays (mild jaundice) or resort to phototherapy (ray fluorescent light blue). In cases of Rh incompatibility, it becomes a exanguino-transfusion, that is, is changed from the blood of children.

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