Move your body
The biggest obstacle that exists to exercise is lack of time. But if the aim is simply to move the body and benefit from the advantages that this provides, five minutes a day are more than enough to begin with, and for the heart, blood circulation, metabolism and respiration begin to operate at any machine.
Then, you just have to raise a couple of minutes from time to time to achieve the ideal time, which ranges between 45 and 60 minutes.
For the year to end, we must raise the pulsations to a certain level, but not to exhaustion. This figure varies with age. For example, at age 20 in the exercise should be a minimum of 135; the 25, 130, and so are downgrading five beats per every five years. We must also control the maximum that should never be overcome, and that is obtained by subtracting the age of 180 athletes (for a person age 30, would be: 180-30 = 150 beats limit).
The latest research shows that the pace perfect for those who just want to keep in shape is to make some kind of exercise a day and not another. What matters is not how business is practiced. Moreover, one can combine several: one day a long walk, another gymnastics, swimming to the next ...
The best time for the sport are in the morning, between six and ten, and in the afternoon between four and eight, being the high points (in which the body achieves maximum performance) nine in the morning and six in the afternoon.
Before practice any vigorous exercise, it is imperative to do a few minutes of warming, to defuse the muscles and tendons. Running slowly, or walk to step lively dance for two minutes is enough to warm the muscles. Similarly, at the end do not stop abruptly.
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