
The pain of childbirth - When to Treat?

When is it necessary to treat pain?
In medicine they say that the pain is better tolerated ... the pain of another. Nobody can get in the place of those who feel it is a unique experience and not transferable. At that time, the pain is just that person, that's why obstetricians are not shown inflexible when it comes to sedated.

The experience allows them to know when a birth is nearing the limit of their tolerance, either physical or psychological. In those situations turn to his art and his technique.

If the practitioner feels the pain stems from the facts, and normal physiological childbirth, administered a drug that produces a decreased sensitivity to pain, commonly known as analgesics (w: no; algesia: pain). In this way, although it does not disappear, at least until it fades as tolerable.

The question changes when it is necessary to perform a surgical procedure, however small it may be, known as episiotomy, or an act more as a caesarean section. In both cases were intentionally produced an incision in the maternal tissue and, of course, that causes pain, but this pain is different from the one that causes birth.

The woman is not ready for such interventions naturally, so we must eliminate it in full. In these situations are used anesthetics, which block all sensations. If the region is where the incision is small, anesthetized only that area and the art, easy to perform, is called locally. It is enough to inject a minimum amount of anesthetic solution for the pain disappear immediately.

When the region is to be extensive or deep anesthesia, using the same anesthetic solution, but is positioned in the vicinity of the nerves entering the spinal cord. In this way, it prevents access to all the feelings, even the motor (feel neither can move his legs, as in the epidural anesthesia is used in caesarean sections). The technique is more difficult and requires the participation of experienced hands (anesthesiologists).

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