
Wrong methods of contraception

• Sexual intercourse switches is not a method, neither prevents the transmission of sexual diseases. Before the ejaculate during intercourse, are eliminated droplets of semen with a high concentration of spermatozoa, of the best and most skilled. This way of trying to prevent pregnancy creates problems for the couple and, separately, to men and women (and serious difficulties erection ejaculation, chronic pelvic congestion, pain during sexual intercourse and difficulty in orgasm).

• During lactation is important to follow the advice of the LAM (amenorrhea method for breast-feeding). There is only possibility that it will not happen during the first six months after birth, as long as breastfeeding is "on demand", "exclusive" (without the supplement bottles) and there is menstruation. There are special pills for breastfeeding.

• The vaginal washings are proscribed. A shower vaginal cause damage similar to that which would arise to wash his throat with a toothbrush, something that was not happen to anyone. As a method of birth control do not serve: little seconds after ejaculation, there are already enough sperm stored in the folds of the cervix to produce multiple pregnancies.

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